Babys weight

Oliver's mummy

Well-Known Member
Aug 22, 2006
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oliver is now 6 weeks and 6 days, and he has been putting on about a pound a week, he last got weighed 8 days ago and was 12lb 7 and a half oz, (when he was born he was 7lb 15oz), how much did your baby weigh at olivers age, i'll update again today after hes weighed again.

thanks 8)
Leah was 4.34kg (9lb 9ish)

Leah was born 7lb 11oz. All babies grow differently so dont worry too much. As long as he is putting on weight and is healthy I dont think there is any course for consern.
Nathan was 12lb 8oz at 6 weeks but he was 9lb 5 oz born. I really don't think it matters what a weight a baby was when they were born though. My eldest was 6lb 11oz born and she piled the weight on and was above the 99th centile in a few months. My 2nd was heavier born but hardly gained any weight. and is just ment to be tiny.
Hi Jake was 7lb 2oz born and at 6 weeks he was 9lb 15oz. I don't think that you can really compare weights though because all babies grow at different rates. Jake is nearly 7 months old now and only weighs 15lb 1oz but I think he is just going to be small (he is fairly long though). If your HV was worried about his weight then I'm sure she would say something. I don't think you have anything to worry about anyway as I'm sure his weight gain will slow down soon.
Lydia was 10lbs 10oz at birth.

Then she lost a bit of weight, and it took her a full month before she managed to regain her birth weight!

I don't have a figure for 6 weeks, but when she was 8 and a half weeks she was 12lbs 13oz.
My LO was formulas fed and whackecon a good pound and a half each week so grew very quick, think he was around 13 pounds 6 weeks after birth, massive! but it did slow down eventually, but he never lost any birth weight which i was proud of.
willow was 7lb 8 .5 at birth she didnt lose any birth weight i cant remember 6 weeks but she was 12lb at 9 weeks.
Austin was 8lb 6oz at birth, we last had him weighed at 9 weeks and he was 11lb 9oz. He's breastfed, I don't know if that makes a difference to weight gain?
hia emma was weighed today when she was born she was 2lb 15oz and today at 7 months old she is 14lb 2 ozish :cheer:

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