Baby's position

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Hi girls,

there have been a few concerned posters lately, worried about their babies being breech. I'm concerned my baby is transverse. So I have a few questions for you.


Has anyone else's baby been transverse? What position did you feel the kicks? What was the outcome (or intended outcome) for delivery? - i.e. did the baby turn at X number of weeks, or did you/are you booked for a c-section?


Has anyone else's baby been breech? How did you find out the baby was breech? What was the outcome (or intended outcome) for delivery? - i.e. did the baby turn at X number of weeks, or did you/are you booked for a c-section?

All answers gratefully received! :D
hi, this pregnancy she has been head down for a long time but with my first DD she was breech until 37 weeks.

i had an appointment with a consultant at 35 weeks and she was still breech so they planned a ecv(sp) for 37 weeks and gave me some tips on how to turn baby. she did turn by herself a few days before i was planned to go into have her turned. they told me if the ecv didnt work then they would book me in for a section. however on another site i talk on a few women have been given the option of delivering naturally but i think it depends on your hospitals policy regarding breech birth.

from talking to other women, transverse lie is different. they do try to turn you and often its more positive and works as there is less of a way for bubs to turn. if they cannot turn baby tho it is more serious than breech becus of the risks of cord prolapse (where the cord can become trapped) when your waters break so c-sections are planned sooner and all the women i have spoke to have been told that if they go into labour naturally they must put bum in the air and call an ambulance in case there waters break.

i have spoke to many women whos babys have been breech and had planned c-section and a few who have had transvers and are waiting for planned c-sections and i think doctors and mws see this day in and day out so i would advise anyone not to worry and that you will be well looked after.


Well my baby started off head down back to back then she went transverse and now she is breech.
When she was transverse she had her head under my ribs on the right and her feet were round by my waist on the left.
She did this thing with her feet where it looked like she was marching on the spot and then she just stopped doing it and at around 30-33 weeks she went breech but they weren't worried because she had plenty of time to turn but she never did.
She now lays with her head still on the right hand side under my ribs and she is in a kneeling positon with her feet in my pelvis.
When she kicks it can really hurt at times because she kicks my lady parts and I always expect her foot to come flying out. They tried to persuade me to have the ECV to turn her but I refused it because there are risks to the baby and my pelvis wont take the pressure of giving birth naturally so I'm booked in for a section.
Hi Wendy - my baby was transverse until about 34-35 weeks and that's when it moved head down. They weren't worried in the slightest about the position at that time. I'm not sure if it does help, but I use my gym ball quite often, mainly because it's comfy to sit on or lean over. Hope your baby moves soon for you xx
Hi girls,

Thanks for all your replies. I 'phoned Nuffield yesterday (who did my 3D scan at 27 weeks) to ask to speak to the consultant there. It was supposed to be a 'growth & progress' scan and I was waiting for some sort of report to come through, confirming measurements, baby's position etc. but now I'm beginning to wonder if the 5 min DVD was what I paid the £200 for. Still, I've to 'phone today around 4pm to speak to someone about my scan, so hopefully, they'll be able to confirm the position of my baby.

I'm seeing my m/w tomorrow. I wasn't at all concerned about my baby's position until my 28 week appointment with her. I know that, esp with a 3rd baby, they can turn later, but the m/w started going on about how "concerned" she was with the baby's position and wouldn't even touch my stomach because she "wasn't sure if that was a head sticking up". She said she wanted to see me in 2 weeks to "see if baby had changed position" (and, if not, they'd have to review the homebirth).

I'm a wee bit suspicious of this last point because the m/w was also moaning that she had 2 homebirths booked for November. I tried to reassure her by saying that it was unlikely that we'd go at the same time (I haven't got to 40 weeks yet with my last 2 pregnancies), but she kept on about "resources being overstretched". I suspect that she'll attempt to put me off the homebirth. All she has done is put me off of her for her scaremongering so early on! :x

No seriously, I'm glad that she's taking the baby's position seriously, but I still thought that 28 weeks was too early to be worrying me about it. Then again, my baby was estimated as weighing 4lbs at the 27 week scan (as much as a 33 week baby?), so perhaps that's why she's concerned now.

I've got a gym ball (thanks weenik) and I'm using that and trying to sit forward/go on all fours when I remember, but the little rascal isn't budging! :D

I'll let you know the verdict tomorrow, if the m/w can face pressing on my belly, that is! :o
I think maybe posting this in Ask A Mum section would get more replies WendyWandy, sorry I can't help, Isaac was head down ready throughout my pregnancy :hug: Hope your MW eases up a bit, they do follow their protocol, but after she's got it out her system I hope you find a common ground you're comfortable with :hug:

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