Babys hitting themselves?!


Well-Known Member
May 16, 2006
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well leo has been hitting himself over the head for a few months, and it has been discussed with his HV and his consultant over something else... and they said just to "ignore it" "just a phase" etc.. well its been going on for months.. and to be honest its more frequent than ever...

we've all just been hoping that he'd grow out of it.. but he hasnt...

but whats bothering me is.. past few days ellouise has been copying him.. and has hit herslef... not properly just a tap on her cheek.. its not leaving any marks.. and im trying to discourage it.. as its horrible seeing leo doign it let alone my own daugther...

what ive been doing is... if she does it say no, then quickly distract her like say.. wash your hair or nicely, and she'll pretend to wash her hair or stroke her head..

is there anything else i can do?

Shes literally been doing it since thursday and from teh start ive said no dont do taht be nice... and then she strokes her head and stops hitting herslef...

i just dont want it to get as bad as Leo's...

arghh anyone else havin the same problem?
Yes, I'm having the same issues with my son. He hits himself in the face or throws himself on the floor if I tell him he can't do something. He'll hit his head on the floor really hard and it even leaves marks. This has been going on for months now and it's really stressing me out. I don't know what to do about it either so would appreciate some advice.

It's good to know I'm not the only one going through this. x
I remember reading something about LO's doing this and it being quite normal, and that sometimes offering a taggy blanket or something else for them to hit/pull at, Isaac loves the draught excluder we have in the room which is furry on one side and smooth on the other. Isaac hits his head a lot when he's got teething pain, and sometimes he likes to feel at his hair, but I dn't worry too much because he's just exploring sensations and himself, but if you are concerned I would get some reassurence from your HV or GP :hug: :hug: :hug:

Isaac likes headbutting us, he also likes to rub his forehead on ours, it sometimes really hurts but he likes it :think: I personally wouldn't say no as if she is exploring she may become confused, but that's just a personal feeling, maybe say to her don't do it too hard, or be careful, or ouch? I do hope you feel better about it soon, they do do some odd things our LO's :hug: :hug: :hug:
It isbnt unuasl and is normally asssociated with frustration. so see whats upsettinf the lil one and take them out of thast situation and put them onto to doing something else.

Its somethin i experirnce here everday with lil autistic man :(

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