Baby wont sleep in carrier


Well-Known Member
Sep 9, 2012
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I know its early days for me and LO regarding baby wearing, having only found a carrier (mei tai) that we both agree with a few days ago, but i was wondering if anyone had any tips to get LO to fall asleep in it?

Ive not come across anyone with a similar problem really...

LO is fine in the carrier, he'll happily sit there looking around or chewing the edges of the carrier, and if he gets hungry he'll eat and go back into the carrier fine. The problem is when he's tired he gets upset and starts pushing and wriggling to get out and generally gets upset - so i take him out and cradle him and he falls asleep within seconds.

Im hoping somebody will have run into the same problem and have some tips for getting him to realise he can sleep where he is...or is it just going to happen naturally with a bit more time?
J doesn't go in the carrier as often as I'd like (I should really carry him more!) but when he does he only falls asleep if it's nap time and then he fights it for a few mins. I'd say keep going and hopefully he'll get used to it.

Is his head supported? I have J in an Ergo and to fall asleep he either needs the head cover bit or my hand to support him, so that he doesn't loll back as he falls asleep.

I'll persevere then, thanks :)
Its just most things you read are about using a carrier to help get a baby to sleep, lol :)
You might get more replies if you post in B&T. I'm not really an experienced baby wearer xxx

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