baby weight

Well ladies - my consultant said bub about 3lb now - and he expects her to be 7.5 at 39 wks (when I had LO) so not too bad! That could be why I am feeling soooo big now - as my LO was sm aller at this gestation! xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
I always take measurements with a pinch of salt! I'm 5'2, but lost an inch whilst pregnant some how! I measured small with both mine, although my bump was HUGE with my first! I literally just got fat everywhere! She was 9lb12, I was smaller with #2, but assumed she'd be a 10lb-er, but was a "small" 8lb3! I was only 6lb, but was born at 36 weeks!
Hey hun,

I didn't show till 6 month with my LO, i'm 5"2 and was 8/10. My Lo was 9lb10.5oz!!!

By the end i was ginormous! This time i have been showing since 8 weeks..... god help me!

I didnt think my bump was overly big but then it just seemed to appear from nowhere - measurements were spot on until i go to 34 weeks when the consultant measured me at 39 wtf the week after mw sed i was 41 the week after that i was still 41 by this time i was thinking what am i gonna give birth too - the last time i was measured by mw before having Elise she got me to 38.5 which was only a few days out

my bump was def all baby and fluid id say by the way my bump just seem to deflate after my waters went lol Elise was 7lb 5.5oz born at 37+6 xx
beautiful pics of your bumps ladies, my first born megan jane was born at 39 weeks weighing 5lb 11 and my second baby william was born at 38 weeks weighing 6lb 7 they are now 11 and 19 years old me being only 5ft 1 im very small in height but not in weight lol :( i thought my babies were perfect birth weight neither of the two needed any extra help or care with anything they were with me right from the start. xxx
I was always measuring big for dates and had 3 growth scans! At 30 weeks i was measuring 40 weeks! They estimated at 37 weeks that bubs was 6lb. Ralph came out a healthy 9lb 1.5oz. This is me at 29 weeks and 4 days :) I'm huge! I'm 5ft 4.

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I measured 34cm at 36+5 weeks - any predictions on the weight of my LO based on that?
I'm 39 weeks in 2 days and not very big mw said baby measuring on small side, will really find out the size in a few weeks!
Well I have my next growth scan tomorrow at 2.20 pm! Lets see how she is growing! xx
i measured spot on til 38 weeks, then i shot to 4cm bigger than it was supposed to be lol my 10lb 14oz baby was born at 40+4
this is my 35 week bump
Hello lovelies - had scan yesterday and am now booked in for another scan on monday - I have a personalised growth chart for bub and where she was measuring above my "average" line she is now down on my "bottom" line!
Hello lovelies - had scan yesterday and am now booked in for another scan on monday - I have a personalised growth chart for bub and where she was measuring above my "average" line she is now down on my "bottom" line!

Hi Dani, does this mean they think lo is slowing down? I bet it makes a difference which lady/man is scanning, as they must all do it slightly diff, don't worry theres alot of room for error in scanning for size, I'm 5 foot 9 and measured small for dates every pregnancy. I had extra scans the last two times and my daughter was smaller actually , but my son was not

1st - Boy - 38 weeks - 6lb 11oz (Had put on 1.5 stone exactly)
2nd - Boy - 39 Weeks - 7lb 20z (had put on 2 stone exactly)
3rd - Girl - 37 plus 5 - 5lb 15oz (Had put on 1.5 stone exactly, earlier section due to size concerns)
4th - Boy - 39 plus 1 - 6lb 6oz - (Had put on the least 1 stone 4 lbs

I weighed 7lb 1 oz at birth

Don't worry Dani, there keepnig a good eye on you, but they really can be out, your small, and so your tum is bound to measure funny by fundal height, mine did as I'm tall and had smaller bumps.

Piccy at 37 weeks , 2 weeks before birth of Devon


  • Sticky Bump at 37 weeks Dec 2010.JPG
    Sticky Bump at 37 weeks Dec 2010.JPG
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Hi JJ! They are suspicius of LO slowing down so want to double check on the "better" scanner. I know they can be hugely inaccurate with weight as they estimated lly to be over 6lb at 36 wks and she can 3 weeks lter at 5lb 10!!! It just makes me a wee bit edgy! xx

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