Baby Ted's excellent adventure -10/4/08


Well-Known Member
May 30, 2007
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Well.. i went in for my induction (due to accelerated BP) on Sunday 6th April, so got to hospital at 8am.
Day 1 -Was finally examined hours later and the midwife told me i was already 4cm and waters bulging, but labour ward was full, so they'd break them the next day! :shock: I was amazed as i had hardly any pain, so i merrily text and called people, showing off about how good i was at this childbirth malarkey!
Day 2 - Was examined again by another midwife and told her colleague had been mistaken and that i was only 1cm and still quite thick cervix. Well i was very annoyed, they were quite sheepish but they finally gave me a prostin to get the cervix least things were on their way after a wasted day in hospital. 8 hours later examined again, still 1cm but slightly softer, so as i was getting some niggly pains they told me i would get another prostin in morning and "baby should be ready to come soon"
Day 3 - about lunchtime i got the 2nd prostin and by this time i was really upset, just hours of waiting and niggles to be told no real progress after the first day was unbearable, i asked to go home, but once they start they like to monitor..yeah right think i saw a midwife about twice a day. It was so busy. I got another prostin that night (3rd) and was told the consulant would have to see me to decide what to this time i just wanted a c-sec so i could meet my baby and get out!
Consulant examines me and says i'm 2/3cm and effaced so i can go down to labour ward to get my waters broken... then yet another influx of women 'actually in labour' ascend upon the hospital and i am back to the bottom of the pile again.
By 7pm i finally get on the labour ward, get prepared unpacked etc - no point breaking waters now, wait till morning.... THEN.... more imminent births arrive and i get moved 2AM back to the maternity ward!!! :shock:
At this point i am in tears and tell Matt not to bother coming in, the baby is never coming out ..... :cry:
Day 4 Midwives on mat ward are all amazed i'm back and feeling quite sorry for me now (bloody hope so!) so i get back on the labour ward at 3pm and waters finally get contractions....
examined again at 6pm and i'm still not dilating so they put me on the drip (syntocinon?) and i get an epidural...
Day 5 after that i dilate really normally and labour was great - got to 10cm, the epi was great, gas and air helped when it wore of a little and despite everything is was not half as bad as i thought...i'd do that part again! Then i started to push..and push..and push for 2 hours...he was going no where. So they decided to crank up thedrip, but didn't top up the epi so by this point I was was nearly comatose with exhaustion and the accelerated pain from the drip gave me no recovery...
it then all went a biit manic, i was examined and rushed to theatre, they tried forceps but didn't work, so i had an emergency c sec.
Turns out he had a knot in cord and was stuck...but after that mamouth journey, he is finally here.

9lb 4oz - so he was a bit biff as expected, but actually he looks tiny! He has a big mop of dark hair and is the most contented little chap on the planet. :lol:

So don't be put off pregnant ladies, even after all that i'd do it again to have another one!
:hug: :hug:
Think Tillytots posted some pics in adults section - don't mind me looking ROUGH as... :wave:
congrats - sorry it was a bit of a drama for you but Im sure it was all worth it in the end!
welldone for hanging in there hun! We all felt your pain of having to wait soooooo long :(

At least he is here now :) hope you feel ok after the section and are recovering ok :hug: :hug:

btw - you dont look rough in the pics LOL I thought how good you looked after 5 days of waiting and a section!!!! xx
Sounds like a very tiring birth well done Anna.

Welcome baby Ted :wave:
Huge congrats and everything :)

Glad we were so close in dates - seems an apt ending:)
congratulations, when i was induced it took 4 days of one person saying one thing an another sayng another, so i know how u feel at lest you have your lil man now :hug:
Congratulations! Ted is beautiful! I am sorry you were kept waiting so long, it seemd very very cruel, but I am glad you weren't in too much pain and Ted arrived safely. :hug:
CONGRATS!!! :cheer:

Poor little Ted having a knot in his cord :shock: Glad he got here safely :hug: xxx
good grief... what a story! Congratulations honey!
Love the title of your thread :lol:

Shame you had to wait around in hospital for so long with nothing happening, sounds like Ted was well worth the wait though! :hug: :hug:
EXCELLENT thread title, made me laugh! :cheer:

Congratulations on the birth of baby Ted; I have seen the pics in the other area and he is absolutely gorgeous!

Sorry about your marathon birth but like you say he's definitely worth it :hug:

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