Baby still measuring small :-(


Well-Known Member
Apr 10, 2008
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Just back from the MW and baby is still measuring small - he is still measuring 28 weeks and Im 32 her professional opinion she thinks I just hide the top of my uterus very well.

So now I have to wait for an appointment for a growth scan.....although MW thinks everything will be fine!

I have been so well and positive throughout the whole pregnancy and now ever so slightly worried :(
dont worry hun, fundal hieght itsnt always accurate, your bubs is prob just laying funny :hug:
Please try not to worry hun I know its hard.. I have 2 experiences to share with you..

1) My friend was told her baby was measuring small (in fact about the same as you - 28 wks at 32) and she had a few growth scans and was still small, they induced her at 36 and half weeks and when baby was born he was 6lb7oz, with no problems, he was a very good size for his gestation and had he gone full term he would have been 7lbs +

2) My best friend was told her baby was going to be about 7lb, but when born he was a whoppong 10lb 12 oz!!!!!

hope its ok and i'm sure it'll be ok with ur bubs x
im sure you will be fine hun i dont believe in all that measuring lark anyway. :hug: :hug:
Oh hun, try not to worry - fundal height is quite inaccurate without a scan

xkikix said:
My best friend was told her baby was going to be about 7lb, but when born he was a whoppong 10lb 12 oz!!!!!

Oh god, dont tell me that - mine is estimated at 8lb - i dont want a 10lb'er :shakehead:
I would'nt worry hun, I was measuring a couple of weeks behind at my 40wk appointment and popped out a 9lb 2oz, 62cm long baby a week later! :lol:

Sarah x
I agree with the others, dont stress too much hun, I take the fundal measurements with a pinch of salt.
Everything will be fine :hug:
tbh I think fundal height is a load of rubbish! I am measuring exactly right for fundal height but on scans, bubs is way above average.
so this just shows inconsistency!

good luck and I hope the growth scan goes well! :D
i've had 2 extra scans due to measuring small, both have been fine, last one 2 weeks ago baby estimated 6 pound 11 so not small. have mw appointment tomorrow so may well be sent for another scan :wall:
Thank you so much for all the reassurance :hug:

I know that the scan will be much more accurate so all I can do is wait for the appointment, and try not to worry in the meantime.

Considering Im 5.11" and my DH is 6.3" - I never thought I would be told our baby was small - but then I think my height probably messes up the fundal height measurements somewhat as Im obviously not "average" height!

Thanks again ladies.....
hey, you get a chance to see bubs again!!

I agree re fundal height. Also, bubs may be due a growth spurt. Babies grow at different rates. LO may be small this week, have a massive growth spurt and be measuring 'big' in a fortnight!!!!

Also, i had less fluid than 'normal' with alice which meant i was smaller than average. I had to have fortnighty scans due to OC and every time they kept pointing out i had low levels. Every fortnight i would explain that it has always been like that and no i didn't want them to check and see if my waters had gone because i knew they hadn't :roll:
Hi Liza

Try not to worry, I'm 36 weeks now and I'm measuring 31 weeks!!!! I had the same with my DD, always measured small and she was a fairly small baby 5 lb 12 oz, but perfectly healthy. She soon caught up in the weight stakes as you've seen from my photo's on facebook. I'm also tall so I do think that can mess up the fundus measurements. At least you'll be getting another scan so can see your little boy again :cheer: :hug:
Really impressed with the speed of the my growth scan appointment in the post this morning - its on Wed so not long to wait!!

Thanks again for all the kind comments, and just hoping bubs is all ok!
I had 2 growth scans with Angel, and 3 trips to hospital! I measured 35weeks at 40+ weeks. Had my last growth scan at 39+ weeks. I was predicted a 6lber. I was really tiny bump wise. I gave birth to an 8lb 3oz baby! The biggest in my family so far but with the smallest bump. I was in size 12 tops up until the last day!

They are just being cautious, but it's rarely accurate.
glad to hear you got your appointment so quick :)

enjoy the scan hun, and try not to worry!
I measured small and got sent for a scan! Lola was 7lbs 9.5oz and was a week early so try not to worry hun! :hug:
well just to say that it might indicate a small baby. i was measuring small with oliver ever since they started the measurements.
at 38 weeks he was way below the lowest centile on the growth scan and i was induced that day. he was born at 5lb4oz, 4 oz less than the growth scan predicted.

good luck :)
My due date is tomorrow. I was told I was measuring small on two ocassions and went to the hospital for bump to be measured by a GP rather than just midwife's opinion. It is because I am very tall and slim, which can be misleading. Everything was fine and there was no reason to worry, it was just a safeguard that I was referred on.

Better to be safe than sorry. Don't worry too much, I didn't think about it as I can't help being tall, baby just has more room to grow upwards rather than outwards. I only look about 6 months pregnant now so people are really surprised when I say it could be any day!

Hope all goes well anyway.

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