Baby snuffles


Well-Known Member
Nov 14, 2006
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After some internet burning, i am pretty sure my boy has this. He sounds like a wart-hog and is having trouble feeding (breast) as he cant breath through his nose propery and is also not sleeping as soundly as he keeps waking and getting restless and making some god awfull noises. He is otherwise fine and is managing to feed it just takes longer and he comes away choking most times.

Does anyone have any usefull tips info on this? I have already got saline nose drops and they dont really help as it sounds like the mucus is more in the back of his throat


I do know when Isaac was a few days old I thought he was choking he was making such loud, terrible sounding noises, but the MW's told me that it was normal. I asked my GP about it too, and apparently most babies have loud, odd sounding breathing because their nasal passages aren't quite developed yet, and because they breathe 'properly' through their noses, they make more noise than us who often breathe through our mouths.

Today, Isaac still makes lots of noise, whilst feeding, playing, and sleeping, and he never seems troubled by it at all :) Hope that helped, but if you're worried there's always NHS direct or your HV/GP :hug:
Sounds like my Alex, there has only been about 2 weeks out of the near 20 he's been here that he sounded near normal. Off to have a look at what you've found out :)

Asked health visitor and they asid it was baby snuffles, and that i should be using the saline nose drops before every feed ( i was only using them once a day - der!) and to elevate his cot, try and get the bathroom steamy when he has his bath and to put him in his bouncy chair to sleep a few times during the day as it helps them to be a bit more upright.

So far this has helped, he is still bunged up but has slept really well in his chair today and has thereofre fed better and been less grouchy

Hope this helps anyone else!


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