Baby size


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2006
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Evening girls! How are we all today? (I think I just heard thunder, so I have turned into a bit of a wimp! :rotfl: )

I was at my docs yesterday and he said that baby felt big for 25 weeks. He was thinking about sending me for another scan, but decided to give it a week. Ive got a GTT test booked in for the end of the month to check for diabetes anyway, but I know babies grow bigger if the mum has diabetes.

Is this something I should be 'concerned' over? Has anyone else had any experience with diabetes in pregnancy?

I was in for pains down below, which he had initially said was a water infection, but now thinks it is just pregnancy related pains (and has signed me off work for 4 weeks!!! :dance: )


oh i love thunder + lightening :dance:

i go my my 25 week check on tuesday as well :dance:

i dont know anyone with gestation diabetes....

so sorry cant help :oops:

at least u got 4 weeks off :dance:
Ive been signed off for the rest of my pregnancy (well until my maternity leave) so its going to be a long wait :wall: But will be worth it.
JaidyBaby said:
Ive been signed off for the rest of my pregnancy (well until my maternity leave) so its going to be a long wait :wall: But will be worth it.

Same here! are you bord yet?
Im on here most of my time
Oh Cab yeah!!!!!! I found a little buddy :cheer: :hug:

Yes I am pretty bored to be trying to fill up my days as best as possible, some days I obviously go out and have a real busy time and other days there is only so much housework I can be arsed to do :wall:

People say 'ooooh must be lovely knowing your not going back to work now for a whole 9 months' and im like its not really all thats it cracked up to be :?

The plus side though is that I get lie-ins and sleeps everyday!! Probably why I never really feel tired so thats a good thing.
I dont even get any lie ins Luke has me up at 6.30am every day and OH works from 7am, so I have to get him ready for school and get him there and back and he has karate most days after and Im not allowed to drive!
Ok I feel a bit better now :D
We can have a moan together anyways hun :hug:
Its nice to have people to moan to that wont go dropping you in it
don't know much about diabetes im sure there was a thread on the pG buddies section anda few people did have it so might be able to help you.

Having a bigger baby is ok it might just increase your chances of having a section or them having to induce you early.

best of luck :pray:

p.s the diabetes disappears straight after birth as well xx
cheers, i will have a look for any older posts with info on. ta

ive got my gtt at the end of the month, so i will see what those results say.

I went to see a midwife today (mine is on hols), and she had a feel and said its was a normal size. i think my doc was just having a bad day!

Still, got another appointment soon and i am going to be cheeky and see if they will do another scan to check its growth :) doc was saying he was going to send me for one anyway. hehe

HI, i had this the other week when i was 28 weeks i was measuring 37 :shock: , I had to go for a scan to measure my baby and she is spot on for dates and only slightly bigger than normal. Have had my results from my lucozade challenge which was 8.8 anything over 7.8 is high and my gp had said it was acceptable my midwife went loopy :wall: She is now going to book me in for a gtt and ive got to go on iron tablets :puke: The gtt is well rank so not looking forward to that, you have to drink this syrupy stuff then have blood taken every half hour for 2 hours and not allowed to eat or drink anything from midnight i think. The last time i had one i was nearly passing out by the end of the 2 hours :( xxx
ooo.. don't say that! i thought they took it once, and again after you had drunk the drink and waited two hours. i have a phobia of needles. I have to take a strong person with me to hold me in the chair, as i get scary and turn into the hulk :) poor nurses get called every name under the sun, but i don't remember any of it (keep telling myself it will be worth it all in the end! happy and healthy baby!).

im really not looking forward to my gtt - but it is only 2 hours of my life! need to get over it :)
Sorry hun didnt mean to concern you, They have to do it every half hour to see how your body deals with the dose of sugar, thats how they can tell if you are developing gestational diabetes or not, big hugs to ya :hug: it really not that bad and when my friend had hers they only done a finger prick test every half hour and no needle :cheer: :cheer: xxx
phew - finger prick would be a lot less scary. Still need OH to hold my hand down though. Im such a wuss :oops:

its annoying because my normal midwife says she wouldn't have refered me for it, My consultant says she wouldn't, but i have seem two other midwives and both say they would (and give the impression it is serious).

would rather have it and know everything is ok, but i wish people would you would expect to know what they are talking about, tell me one thing. never know who to believe in the hospital - they can't seem to make their minds up.

oooo i love a good moan :)
Me too, the doctor wrote on my notes that iron had been prescribed and patient informed and i havnt heard anything and also that my lucozade test was acceptable when it bloody well not!!! but funny thing is though when i saw midwife on wednesday she said it was pretty urgent and that she would ring me in the afternoon and i still not heard anything!!! :wall: :pray:

Moan away hun could do with major grief offload myself :rotfl:
I think it is because there are too many people telling me stuff. It needs to come from one central person.

And the fact that I asked to have an appointment with my midwife for yesterday, was told it was all booked in, turned up and it hasn't, my midwife isn't even in, and there isn't a spare room to see me in, isn't fantastic! I had loads of questions to ask, and a few concerns I wanted sorted and I basically feel like I am being told to come back another day.

You girls on here are a godsend though! It’s nice to have a group of people going through the same stuff!!! And you are all such angels! :angel:

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