24 Week Midwife Appointment Today


Well-Known Member
Aug 8, 2007
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I had my 24 week appointment today. All appears well as far as blood pressure and baby movement etc. My urine did show up with sugar in it, which she wasnt too concerned with until she read in my notes about my nan having diabetes, then my mum piped up and said my nans sisters have diabetes too. So now i am booked in for a GTT on monday morning at the hospital. She doesnt seem to think it will show up any problems but sending me as a precaution. Gonna have to find me a good book to read on monday morning whilst at the hospital

And i got to hear baby's heartbeat again :D Next appointment is at 29 weeks.
glad everything is good hun, apart from GTT but its best to have it to be on safe side. Im sure everything will be fine. Im booked into have this also as there is diabetes in my family so you'll have to let me know how it goes :)

Tillytots said:
glad everything is good hun, apart from GTT but its best to have it to be on safe side. Im sure everything will be fine. Im booked into have this also as there is diabetes in my family so you'll have to let me know how it goes :)


Cheers hun. Will let you know how it goes. Not looking forward to the fasting bit, i never leave the house in the morning without having my breakfast :( My tummy will be moaning something chronic by mid morning :roll:
Oh i get a lovely morning off work tho :lol:
I have to have that too later on (i think its that). Good luck let us know how it goes.
sorry to hear you need the gtt test done hun
glad everything else is fine though :)
manda xx
Good luck with GTT tests, better being on the safe side with a family history like that thought.

I had my 24 week MW appointment today too- It was all fine -didn;t get weighed or have bloods done though which I had expected, just blood pressure, urine test and then measured bump even though it can't be plotted until I'm 26 weeks!
I had my Glucose tolerence test on monday morning. Wasnt as bad as i expected.
Wasnt allowed anything to eat or drink other than water from 12 midnight, they took first vial of blood at 9am. Then i drank the sugar drink and a glass of water, and waited two hours and the nurse took another vial of blood.

Not sure when to expect the results i forgot to ask :roll: stupid pregnancy brain. Does anyone know? Do they only contact you if something comes up?
Glad it was ok honey. I had a GTT on Monday too!

They will usually contact you the very next day if there is a problem, so you can be pretty confident that if you haven't heard by now, all must be ok. You can ring your MW to check if you are unsure though.
I have my GTT on 17th January. My dad has late onset diabetes and I'm fat so I'm classed as high risk. I do check my blood sugar periodically at my dads and its always been fine but if they want me to sit in their waiting room for a couple of hours and drink lucozade, who am I to argue!!

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