Baby shoes....


Well-Known Member
Jul 23, 2007
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Do you use them (for the baby of course!)?
If you do what type do you use and when did you start?
Have you ever bought second hand and if you did how did you go about fitting etc?

I don't really use them at all. I've got one soft material pair that she's worn 3 times but that's it. My BIL bought her a pair of really cool converse trainers that I reckon she'll fit at about 9 months but I'd still only use them for fun really.

She pulls her own socks off though and I get no end of people gooing that her feet are cold - I don't think they're proper cold though, just cool to touch sometimes, they're good and pink etc. I don't really want to start with proper shoes till she's walking outside.
i did , then i didnt when its hot , but if im out i like him to have some on , as he likes to stand up alot and u never know whats on the floor
thomas wears them if we are out as hes suffers from really cold feet, even thick socks dnt keep his toes toasty :(
hes has about 13 pairs lol in various sizes so they last him,
mostly trainers but he does has a pair of timbaland boots and little rockports lol
only soft shoes should be used until baby is able to walk and then its better for them that they are barefoot indoors.
when I was pregnant with Seren I bought loads of baby shoes, and none of them got worn lol. I do now have a few pairs of shoo shoos, the soft leather crib shoes that allow their little feet to grow as they are non restrictive. These are the only things I will put on their feet but they are maninly barefoot. Seren got her first pair of hard soled shoes when she was walking alot but I prefer her to be barefoot when possible as I believe it is better for her (she is always barefoot in the garden as I know she won't hurt her feet there). I really don't understand the point of the hard soled shoes for little babies, why do they need them??
when I was pregnant with Seren I bought loads of baby shoes, and none of them got worn lol. I do now have a few pairs of shoo shoos, the soft leather crib shoes that allow their little feet to grow as they are non restrictive. These are the only things I will put on their feet but they are maninly barefoot. Seren got her first pair of hard soled shoes when she was walking alot but I prefer her to be barefoot when possible as I believe it is better for her (she is always barefoot in the garden as I know she won't hurt her feet there). I really don't understand the point of the hard soled shoes for little babies, why do they need them??
Eva is nearly always barefoot too, she has a couple of pairs of soft slipper type things which stay on better than socks but i dont see the point of real shoes either, plenty of time for that later :D
Calleigh has had shoes bought for her and she never wears them. I dont see the point.
Socks will do for now :)
We did once try on some soft pink trainers she got given but she hated them and they got took within minutes.
I bought loads and got bought loads but he has never worn any of them. He kicks his ltlle legs too much and I worry that he could hurt himself. He's mainly barefoot or socks and I sometimes put him in little booties (I call them his slippers) if his feet seem a little cold.
I don't think munchkin is unhappy barefoot at all - I just get miffed with comments about her poor cold feet!!

I think I'll stick to just the very occasional flirt with shoes for fun (like an hour or so per month so far). I hated shoes when I was a kid and was stil dumping them when playing outside till I was a teenager and conformity kicked in. I never wear shoes indoors even now - maybe socks in winter.
floppit said:
I don't think munchkin is unhappy barefoot at all - I just get miffed with comments about her poor cold feet!!

I think I'll stick to just the very occasional flirt with shoes for fun (like an hour or so per month so far). I hated shoes when I was a kid and was stil dumping them when playing outside till I was a teenager and conformity kicked in. I never wear shoes indoors even now - maybe socks in winter.

I went through a stage (late teens/early 20's)of not wearing shoes. I am a tad more conformist now in terms of footwear but prefer to go barefoot when I can - I do however have the feet of a 80 year old :)
I don't like shoes on babies, I think it looks chavvy (sorry). I LOVE the LOOK of them and have hundreds butyhate them on her.

She wears shoo shoes or similar occassionally and now she's cruising has a pair of properley fitted cruisers but I don't like soft shoes on young babies at all.

Valentine Xxx
Waste of time and money until they're walking IMO.
i dont put shoes on my baby. i only put shoes on once they can walk although i did buy lots of baby shoes for my first baby which never got worn at all!!! its personal preference though
In the house no..

But if we go out somewhere i cant resist putting little trainers on him
I bought some really cute soft shoes for Emms while I was pregnant and put them on her the other day, but it doesnt look right putting little shoes on her! I think socks or barefoot is the way to go really, but they are so sweet - little pink ones with roses on! :D
Never had shoes on him as a baby, always barefoot or socks :) Isaac never crawled/walked in shoes until he'd been walking a month, I just didn't want shoes affecting his walking before he'd gained his full confidence, we took him to Clark's for measuring for his first shoes :)
Normal shoes shes way too small for, even 0-3s but i love my monsoon fabric shoes and she wers them when we go out as they help keep her socks on, they're totally fabric though, no sole on them so i think they're just like an extra pair of cute looking sokcs lol.
:talkhand: I had 14 pairs of shoes for Evie and she has worn about 3 pairs once! :roll:
Its advised not to put baby feet into shoes until they actually need them and are walking. Something to do with growth, bones and all that.

Also I think its a waste of money buying them as they never get any wear when so small. They might look cute but what else do they do :roll:

I'm waiting till Galen is walking before going to get him fitted for a decent pair. And he'll have one pair only then for a while till we see how he goes in them. And then only wear them when we go out. I prefer bare foot round the house.

I don't ever plan on buying him baby trainers or putting them on his feet till he is much older. I loathe them as day wear for feet (so bad for your feet its not funny) and only use them for sport etc. So won't put them on my childs feet. I'd rather some form of shoe or sandal.

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