Baby shoes....

(gonna get booed for this)

I do have shoes for Jack, 2 pairs bought as gifts, 2 cheap pairs from Asda that I bought, and a hand-me-down pair that are still too big. But they are all the soft ones and he only has them on when we go out on cold/wet days as added protection against the cold. I always make sure he has shoes with loads of space in them for his feet so they aren't restricting to his growth, and I have saved a fortune by not having lost socks!

I wouldn't put him in hard shoes, he doesn't need them yet and I agree that doing that would probably do him harm. And he has no shortage of bare foot time! I couldn't deprive him of his newest favourite teething toy: his toes!
I have lived my life in flip-flops outside and barefoot inside, I hate having shoes on (think its probably coz I was brought up in Africa and never bothered with shoes). Maddison seems to take this from me as she will scream and pull til she gets shoes and socks off. TBH I have hardly put shoes on her anyway as they are a pain in the bum to put on! I will start putting shoes on her when she starts walking. She is cruising at the minute but does that just fine barefoot or in socks :hug: :hug: :hug:
can i add , all his shoes are too big and nothing squahes him and his barefoot at home ( do people really leave the shoes on when at home ? why would you ? )
I prefer barefoot or just socks if its chilly, she has worn shoes/trainers now and again but very rarely. We were bought loads as gifts when she was born too.
abcd1234 said:
Normal shoes shes way too small for, even 0-3s but i love my monsoon fabric shoes and she wers them when we go out as they help keep her socks on, they're totally fabric though, no sole on them so i think they're just like an extra pair of cute looking sokcs lol.

I think I have the same fabric ones (sound the same). They are SO just like socks except they look like little shoes. We were given them in bright pink and after I dyed them blue they came out lush purple! So far they're the only ones she has worn (only a couple of times at that).

If the shoe is cloth I can't see any difference to socks except appearence and that they stay on a little better. The little converse trainers we got given (but she doesn't fit yet) are also canvassy cloth soled - surely any ill effects come from real shoes rather than cloth fakes? Or anything too tight?
the effects come from anything that is too restrictive as it can put pressure on their little bones and cause irreversible damage - this can even be too small socks, sleepsuits etc. Leather shoes such as these shoes are the best ifyou want to put shoes on your child as they are very soft, you can scrunch them up - they are like oversized socks that only have grip at the top if the ankle so do not compress any part of the foot, the sole is also very thin (we loved these for when Seren was crawlig and cruising as we have some laminate so they helped her grip). These types of shoes clicky are not recommended as they have to be laced up, and whilst the sole is "soft" it is still inflexible. Plus it is really important you keep an eye on your child's feet as they grow incredibly fast and even the shooshoo type shoes could cause probs if they are too tight.

This is a good article link
I never put shoes on him when he is in the house. He never really wears much clothes either.

Outside we used to put soft shoes and slippers on for show, but now he has his first pair of first walker boots from Mothercare. They were £12, and he only wears them when practicing his walking.

I have to say that his walking has improved since wearing the boots. xxx
Jenna goes barefoot indoors and socks for outside. I have found baby GAP socks stay on the best. We don't wear shoes at all in the house and none of our friends do when they come round, so the floors are always nice and clean for Jenna to crawl / stand on. Now that she is 9months old and as it is coming into colder weather, I have bought her 2 pairs of 'inch blue' shoes - they are really really soft leather (same sort of thing as daisy roots and shoo shoos) which she wears if it's cold outside or if we are going somewhere she will be doing a lot of standing where the floors aren't so clean (eg GP surgery etc). I don't plan on getting her any other shoes until she is walking outside - she doesn't need them for walking indoors IMO.
grace got her first pair of shoes when she turned 1 and that was because she had started walking. she never wears anything on her feet in the house though ( shoes are taken off at front door in our house) i dont like to wear shoes even now so the first thing i do when i get in is take mine off and both children do the same. i have the problem of grace being small so have not been able to get any more shoes. she is a 2 1/2. clarks only do 1 shoe in that size and a lot of places dont start there childrens shoes til size 4 which is no good for me. hopefully there will be a slightly better range when she goes up to a size 3. before that grace only had socks on and regularly took them off. her feet soetimes felt cool to touch but im sure if they bothered her she wold have let me know. sorry about long post :sleep:sad i know, but i have a lot to say abut kids shoes :rotfl:
Jacob has a few pairs of shoes. Most days and certainly indoors he is barefoot. But if we go out I do like to protect his feet.

His godmother is a bit of designer freak and bought him tommy hillfiger and timberland shoes. They'll only ever be worn a few times but they are cute. With Jacob being the weight and height of a 1 year old at 7 months, he doesn't look odd wearing them IMO.

Once he starting needing shoes more regularly I cant wait to take him to clarkes, get his feet measured and get his first 'proper' pair.

He is already outgrowing size 3. I think he's going to have big feet like his dad.
Eefie's feet were too fat for nearly all the shoes we tried so I got him a pair of Shoo Shoes which are soft (and he couldnt pull off either!) and he wore them till they fell apart. He's been walking a while now so his instep isnt quite so big so he can get in normal shoes now.

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