baby rice


Well-Known Member
Mar 6, 2010
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Hey girla hope u had a lovely christmas. Just had a question for you all. Joshua will be 13 weeks on sunday and his appetite has shot up dramatically from taking roughly 1fl oz every hour (eg 5fl will last 5hrs etc) hes now on 6fl oz bottles every 3.5 hours. Is thia normal for his age? His sleep is getting back to two feeds a night again and we were wondering if we should try baby rice at night???? What do you think"???? Anyone been in a similar position??? Is it just a growth spurt. Our hv is already up for weaning him in 3 weeks ish..................

Drake has just started draining his 7oz bottles and he has them every 3 hours! (he dint always drain them every feed though) I give him hungry baby for his bed time feed and doesn't have another feed then till morning. He's 13 weeks tomorrow!
We wanted to give him hunger baby milk but they don't do it on the formula he is on. He has a milk allergy so is on funny stuff and the nextvstep is from 6 months plus. However its nice to know that he's being 'normal' with his food. It just seemed to ramp up so blooming quickly!!! Thanks for the reply x x
Seb takes 6fl oz every 3/4 hours x I wouldn't give hungry baby milk unless he's draining 9fl oz and looking for more and wouldn't start baby rice until 6 months or as close to it you can get
Cheers girls. Under the hvs guidance hes getting weaned at 17weeks. Appreciate the help xx
yeah sounds perfect to me hun, i wouldnt wean unless u have to as i gave baby rice and then stopped as it was just a growth spurt!! altho it was so runny and she took it no bother it did her no harm!! :D i think ur right to wait to 17 weeks and then get prepared to get messy!! xx
herbie is on 7oz every 3 hours and he is 15wks today Im going to wean him early too he is just so hungry and I waited the 6 months with my little girl and she still dosnt eat a 2 so I'm not doing it again its not worth the risk I only have mine to go from one got waened at 4 months and eats one at 6 months and dosnt so I'm going with what I know
I started introducing foods at 4 months with my older boys..did them no harm. I can't see Drake waiting till 6months either!
Tbh i think its a little too early to be considering weaning when there are other options available.

Some babies are bigger milk drinkers than others, i would let him take what he wants, which atm doesnt sound like a crazy amount, and if he continues to want more and more i would consider hungry baby formula.
Thanks everyonem really appreciate the advice! Its reassuring to know that he's not eating 'too much' its just hard to know what's appropriate when its our first. We just didn't want them to start trying to put him on a diet or anything... And we are dependant on pf for advice from people going through the same with their own LOs. Polo princess, we can't give him hungrier baby milk. He has a cows milk allergy which means he's on prescrip milk and the next stage up is 6+ milk. Our HV has said as well as paedoatrician that we will have to wean him at 4 months until then just keep feeding hom whenever and whayever he wants xxxx
Ahhh ok i see, i weaned my LO at 14 weeks because she had awful reflux, so i was one of the early early ones!!

Its not unsual for some LO's to just like their milk, ive seen some LO's drink 50-60oz a day :shock:, but then others will struggle to take 20-30oz
wow!! i think im starting to realise why people say the second is easier!! hahah! parenthood is so confusing!! he knocks me off balance when he goes from one thing to something COMPLETELY different! its reassuring to know that when i come on here that i can and not feel stupid, and know that im gonna get sensible answers and not scare myself in to one thing or another!!! i've had no better advice than the ladies off here who are doing the samE! feels like we're all in it together (or maybe hats just me!) xxxxxxxxxxxxx

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