Baby pushing down on my bits.


Well-Known Member
Feb 12, 2011
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This afternoon baby started wiggling a lot more than ever before, my stomach was in ripples for about 45mins. Am wondering now if it was them turning head down in order to make an exit?

The last couple of hours I've suddenly been needing to pee constantly and it kinda feels like baby is pressing down really hard, not just on my bladder but actually on my bits like they are trying to get out. Feels so different to the usual kicks.

Have midwife tomorrow (taking blood eek) so will ask her then. Anyone else had similar around 28 weeks?

Thanks xx
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Yes i have been getting this hon for a couple of weeks now, notice mostly when I stand up feels like baby might drop out lol! I did mention it to a friend who's had 2 children and she said she vagely remembers feeling it too. Let me know what your midwife says hopefully it's totally normal and just pressure from baby x x
Hi Bella, yes thats just what it feels like, like baby might just fall out. Must do some pelvic exercises :) Will let you know what midwife says tomorrow. Got yoga after then meeting a friend so might not be on till Thursday.
I've been having this too, feels weird doesn't it? It just comes and goes with me x
There is a good chance that its because the baby has turned - you will know by a change in the babys movements . I have had the 'pressure' feeling you describe for quite a lot of this pregnancy - it only gets worse as the time goes on I'm afraid!
Feeling was still there this morning but has come and gone throughout the day. Bean wouldn't stay still for measurement today, moved or kicked back every time they were touched. Midwife said the pressure is just a very active bean, they like to move around and it is very likely it could have been a hand or foot just pushing down for a while. They've been moving loads today, it could be that they had turned but in the time we were in midwife, they went from their head being at the top right to being at bottom left of my stomach. Seems they like somersaults :)
Hi ladies! I have been getting this sort of thing too for the last couple of days! It's weird isn't it? I'm ok and then he moves and it's like I need the loo all of a sudden, then it eases off! Strangest feeling when he changes position.......sometimes it's like he is punching my bladder or something! lol!
Been trying to keep going with pelvic floor....hope it's gonna help! Hope my MW can tell me what position he is in on Tuesday when I see her! xx

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