baby in position already????


Well-Known Member
Nov 21, 2007
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just been to the midwife and had all my checks etc, last time i went at 25wks the baby was lying across, ive had the feeling the last couple of days that its turned and is low with its head down, i asked the mw to check and she said that im right and that its head is down, should i be worried? could it turn again? or is this baby in position and ready to go?
Hi Becky,

I think your baby will probably move around quite a bit yet. Mine went head down for the first time around 29 weeks and she's stayed mostly there (but occasionally moved elsewhere) since. However she's not engaged yet - which is when they begin to 'lock in' ready for birth.

If your baby is experimenting with head down that's a GOOD thing :cheer:
My LO has been head down since about 28 weeks. I occasionally feel a slight change but not much. All my kicks and wriggle movements are up top and the pressure from the head is down low. I can also feel the head sometimes over to one side and legs out to the side a bit, but soon goes back to pointing south.

MW tomorrow so we'll see again exactly where everything is :)

And oooo debecca, a good thing eh :think: :cheer:
oooo let me know what mw says sherlock, my nxt appt is in 3wks so we'll see if LO's moved by then
Babies can move round right up to the birth, but most tend to be in position leading up to 30 weeks. Mines been head down for 5 weeks already!
My baby was head down at my 28 week midwife appointment. I was told that baby would most likely move though. I have no idea where it is now but I will find out next week at my 32 week appointment.
My baby has been head down and in the best position since 27 weeks (the little star!). Like you, I wondered whether it would move about as some babies wiggle all over the place. So far my little bambino seems lovely and happy upside down.
thanks for all the replies ladies, its really put my mind at rest :hug:

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