Baby Movements


Well-Known Member
Aug 18, 2007
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I have only just found this forum and would like to say hello to everyone. I am due in 6 weeks and am quite worried about my baby's movements. I have only ever felt them around my belly button and now they are only very faint. I have never had big kicks and never felt my baby physically moving around. I have mentioned this to my midwife every time I visit but they only feel my belly and listen to the heart beat and tell me if I don't feel 10 movements in a day to phone the hospital. None of this is very reasuring as I probably do feel about 10 movements a day but they are ripples rather than movements and I never get kicked anymore. I know the baby is probably running out of room in there but still I am very concerned. Does anyone else know if I should be feeling movement in other areas, my bump is and always has been very low and my placenta is fundal. I think it might reassure me if other people have experienced this or can explain it for me.
The movements do slow down alot towards the end. Most of the girls in tri 3 will say their babys movements are only slight shifting movements.
My bump has always been low and the baby is the wrong way so she still has room to kick her feet in my pelvis which flippin' hurts!
As long as you are getting some kind of movement from your baby then I think your ok :hug:
hi hun this happened to me at about 33 weeks and mw sed it could be becus she was facin inwards so wasnt kickin my bump if ya get what i mean. now she has moved so her feet are under my ribs and i feel her pushing them all the time. it could be that she is just facin inwards and your organs are gettin the brunt of all the movements instead of the inner wall of your stomach. as long as you feel her 10 times a day then it doesnt really matter where or what the movements are like. if you notice a change in her movements whether its amount or strength then contactmw or hospital.

im sure everything is fine tho.


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