baby modelling?


Well-Known Member
Nov 26, 2009
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My mum suggested we get our LO into some baby modelling/acting as hes small for his age and too cute :lol: we cant afford to put anything into his trust fund so it would give us a way of putting money away for him if he wants to go to uni or buy his first car when hes older.

I dont know anything about it though, have any of you guys done it?
Don't know how to go about it to be honest, but did debate doing this. :)
not personally obviously but my auntie was aske if my cousin could do a fairy liquid ad when she was little and she said NO. She's regretted it ever since and my cousin's 19 in Nov. As long as you are there to supervise can't see the harm it would do, then when Morgan's 18 you can bring it out to embarass him infont of all the women he's bringing home :lol: x
I was watching baby beauty queens the other day and there was a little girl who wanted to be a model. Her mother had to get professional photos taken for her portfolio and then send them to different agencies however when I was younger (13-14 years old) my mother and father took me to a photography studio that were advertising for people of all ages to come and have their pics took and then they sent out the pics to different agencies. I was approached by an agency and asked to come for an interview and the women there told me that any decent agency won't ask for you to pay out any money-if they think you're worth investing in then they will pay for a portfolio to be put together etc. I guess my advice would be to call agencies that specify in baby/children or look for adverts like the one my parents saw. I decided not to follow up on the modelling despite being offered a place at the agency and have never regretted it.
I did child modelling and adverts etc. it is good money but hard work. i had to go up to London for every audition which would take no more than 5 mins. i think we got £70 for each audition. and around £370 for the adverts that i was in - this was 15 years ago though!!
My sister put hers in for baby modelling, but you have to send then constant updated photos thats have to be proffesionally taken and very specific.
hope this has helped a little xx
ooh thankyou! Do you know if they are all in London? cos that really wouldnt work for us, we live just outside cardiff.
i doubt it. Worth looking online. There may be some local to you. i know the main ones will be in London xx
Its about £190 a year to join your baby/child to an agency I've looked into it a but but I'm gonna wait till bella is old enough to choose :) x

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