baby measurements


Well-Known Member
May 25, 2007
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what part of baby's body do they go off for your due date?
yesterday at 4d scan, she did some measurements, and her head was measuring at 29 w 2 days,
her stomach was 28 weeks
and her leg was 28 weeks 3 days
??? do they average it out?
It is much more accurate the earlier on you are which is why they do measurements at the 12w scan because they all grow at the same rate til then.

I don't think you can tell at our stage as there is too much individual variation
yeah mine measured lots of different dates depending on what they measured so i have all those meaurements and a edd which is a average of them i guess.

did you get given an estimated weight. That was my fave bit of info :D
annem said:
yeah mine measured lots of different dates depending on what they measured so i have all those meaurements and a edd which is a average of them i guess.

did you get given an estimated weight. That was my fave bit of info :D

no i should have asked!
my due date is 1st feb but yesterday she averaged it out at 27th january, should i change it or keep it as 1st?
my MW has kept mine the same as the 12week scan though the 20week scan brought my edd forward and then my 4d scan brought it even more forward!!

i was the 19th jan from my period dates. 16th jan from the 12week scan, 14th from the 20week scan and then 13th from the 4d scan. But the MW says the 16th and won't move it :(

yeah next time ask the estimated weight.I went away and started comparing sugar bags to my baby :D If they printed a piece of paper with the different measurements it maybe on there, mine is.
The hospital/MW will pay no attention to yesterdays scan- stick to your old date and just hope she makes an appearance earlier :D
Well at all my scan's little misses legs have been always been about two weeks ahead of her gestation.... at the 4d scan, her head width was a week behind the circumference.

In general they just take the average estimate of the gestation based on the different body parts. My midwife is much like Annems, where she goes on the LMP date and not the scan dates, which is a bit stupid because the LMP date assumes that all women have a cycle of 28 days and that is just not so for me... :roll:
midna said:
Estimated weight ...well Im pretty sure thats quite innacurate too otherwise Ive grown a spartan .. apparently seed was 4.6lb at 30 weeks lmao.... well I guess if its the case I will be torn a new asshole. :D

:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:
midna said:
Estimated weight ...well Im pretty sure thats quite innacurate too otherwise Ive grown a spartan .. apparently seed was 4.6lb at 30 weeks lmao.... well I guess if its the case I will be torn a new asshole. :D

I just looked that up in my notes, I dunno if everyone has the same growth charts as mine but anyway, if your baby keeps growing at the same rate as that, then it will be 8lb-8lb 6oz at 40 weeks.Thats not so massive Mid. You may get to keep your single arsehole after all :lol:
midna said:
Estimated weight ...well Im pretty sure thats quite innacurate too otherwise Ive grown a spartan .. apparently seed was 4.6lb at 30 weeks lmao.... well I guess if its the case I will be torn a new asshole. :D

i knew they were estimated but :shock:

mine was 2lbs 7oz at 27weeks which i thought was fine!!
mine at 32 week was head at 34 weeks stomach at 33 weeks and legs at 31 weeks so i worked it out that our baby will look like me and his dad short fat with a big head :D

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