Baby Massaging


Well-Known Member
Aug 16, 2010
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Hiya Girls,

i had my first HV visit thursday.. Fewww not as scary as i thought it would be.

she brought along a lady from my local centre where they run play and stay groups and baby massage..

has anyone been to baby massage groups and was it of any use.. Id like to give it a go and ill also get to meet other mums in the area :)

Kylie & Baby Jack xxx
I go to baby massage,i really enjoy it, and so does Zach. I give him a massage every day and he sleeps really well now! X
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im thinking of taking tegan but im really shy around new people x
I haven't done it yet but will be going to as soon as he's had his injections and tbh I can not wait!
thanks girls.. Ive been watching some tutorials on youtube and the babies seem to love it :) im gonna do it. I have to wait for next set of classes that start in January x
im going to be going to the ones at local sure start place next year but they sooooo booked up i go to a mums and tums group which is good as is breastfeeding cafe
I just do it at home and harvey loves it!! He coos away and even puts his legs in the air for me to do it again!!!
we go to baby massage class every week and he loves it :love: its nice to have the time to just sit and interact with them without interruptions or feeling like you should be doing housework.
How old are they when they can start this? I really want to give it a go.
i met the lady who runs group on my first HV visit.. At about 2 weeks. You can do it straight away at home.. I watched a tutorial on youtube about it. But i can't go and start at group until january and that's because this session was full.. Jack loves it but he just needs to be warm or else he'll scream x

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