Baby Led Weaning vs Trad weaning


Well-Known Member
May 16, 2010
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I am sooo confused! The more I read the more unsure I am! I know I have to go with my instinct and do what is right for me and LO. BLW sounds so fab and makes a lot of sense. But seems like you have to be quite brave. I feel like LO needs food already but trying to wait as long as poss. Am breastfeeding and I often lose faith that I'm giving him enough, even though I know I am and he's growing just fine (well, very well really :))

Part of me would like to see him getting some food down him so in that sense TW sounds better, but I just dont know. BLW sounds like a lot of hard work-then I think, this is your son you are talking about, hard work shouldn't be a prob!!

I know there are a mixture of mummies on here doing blw and tw. Not really sure why I am posting but maybe thinking about how I can combine blw and tw? I know y ou can do loaded spoons and stuff...argh, as you can see my head is all over the place with this one!!

Anyone's comments, views, expereinces, plans gratefully recieved...

I feel i'm a little in over my head when it comes to weaning. Need to read into it a bit more I think, although that could make it!
I won't lie... I'm not really sure what each one means exactly.... But my daughter always seemed hungry, so started solids at 4 months. My son doesn't seem bothered?! I tried giving him baby rice about 2 weeks ago, so about a week shy of 5 mths, ate some, most came out. Left it, tried again last week and again 2 days ago. Just doesn't seem that fussed so just gona try like once a week until he seems interested? So I think I'm doing baby led? Didn't actually realise I was doing any method, just letting my bub let me know when milk is no longer enough?
He's formula fed, an is also def getting enough on it! Just never sure if all nutrients? Were both Irish so were on meat and potatoes as soon as they cud get them down us! Lol
Not that I will b doing that! But guess hearing other people does make u question what ur doing? X
i think if daisy not to hungry im gona try blw mainly because i have an avertio to babyrice it rank but it will depend on how she goes
yes I have decided a few things. Gonna steer clear of baby rice! Think will do purees or just mashed stuff to start with and loads of finger food to let LO choose. Give him lots of chance to use his hands and get messy but still spoon feed a little and do loaded spoons. And gradually try and spoon feed less and less. Always try and eat with him mand up at the table.

HMM. It does seem the more i read the more unsure I get! You have to be pretty brave and confident in your believes to do proper BLW - I also know most of my fam and some friends would question me doing it that way and I 'd have to put the rationale for BLW across frequently.

Trying to encourage OH to read some stuff on both so it's not just my decision.

At the end of the day I just want LO to love food and be healthy, we'll get there somehow!
Well I think I have finally decided on BLW with a bit of spoon feedign here and there (maybe breakie?) but most of all were gonna just see how it goes!!

Getting v excited!
Well I think I have finally decided on BLW with a bit of spoon feedign here and there (maybe breakie?) but most of all were gonna just see how it goes!!

Getting v excited!

This is what we do and it works really well for us :)

I'm a little confused as to why puree feeding is called traditional weaning, as BLW is actually the traditional way :)

Purees and spoon feeding was introduced a few decades ago when doctors decided that babies needed to start on 'solids' at 3 months. The puree and spoon feeding was only because at 3 months, babies are not ready for chewing, swallowing and digesting lumpy/hard foods. When advice changed to 4 months, and then to 6 months, the market for baby rice and puree was already well established.

At around 6 months, babies don't need puree or rice, or spoon feeding. In actual fact, spoon feeding bypasses the gag reflex that is much further forward then in adults, so they miss out on learning how to move food around their mouths and chew. Starting a baby of around 6 months on purees and spoon feeding is taking a step backwards, they are capable and ready for 'normal' food.

I really could waffle about this for ages, sorry :x

There is nothing wrong with spoon feeding mashed food or yogurts for example s part of a babies diet, but I think its a real shame when mamas think they have to start on puree at 6 months...they dont, and its much more fun and rewarding to start straight onto family foods :)
Glitzy. I'm baffled! My daughter was younger so had to do purée stuff. Bub I six months at the end of this week. I want to get him on solids, but he doesn't seem interested really. Occasionally has baby cereals but generally pushes it out of his mouth. Tried him with potato yesterday.... Ooh, the look he gve me lol. So, does he not have to start with stuff like that??
Glitzy. I'm baffled! My daughter was younger so had to do purée stuff. Bub I six months at the end of this week. I want to get him on solids, but he doesn't seem interested really. Occasionally has baby cereals but generally pushes it out of his mouth. Tried him with potato yesterday.... Ooh, the look he gve me lol. So, does he not have to start with stuff like that??

No at 6 months he doesnt 'need' to start on puree :) If thats what you want to do it wont do him any harm, it's just that babies of 6 months are usually ready for finger foods which is so much easier :)

With Jess I just put a selection of food in front of her (1 piece of carrot, 1 piece of broccoli and a small chunk of bread for example - I think too much can be overwhelming) and let her get on with it. At first she was like 'what is this?' and just played with it, then a couple of days later she started gumming and sucking food, and then I think it was about a week later it clicked and she started really eating it and enjoying it.

Of course all babies will be ready and willing at different times, but I think thats the general order :)
I read the thing on BLW.. And im not sure where the differences are between that and TW, could someone clarify for me?
I'm not entirely sure what TW means tbh - as BLW is the traditional method and only changed when docs decided babies needed to be started sooner than the 'traditional' 6 months to 1 year.

I'm guessing you mean starting baby on purees, then moving to something a little lumpier, always with a spoon. BLW is giving your baby, always at around 6 months (or later!), a choice of foods to pick up and eat themselves instead. Its baby led in that you dont worry about amounts, but just let them get on with it.

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