Baby HATES infacol!


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2010
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Sebastian's always had quite bad trapped wind and we've been using infacol however he HATES the taste! It makes him cry! :-( What are the alternatives? I don't like gripe water!
Yep dentinox it does smell like gripe water tho lol! But doctors do recommend gripe water as it's stronger and try can have it from 1 month old.

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Thanks guys x will try gripe water if it's stronger x
Charley had his first taste of gripe water today and I don't know if it's cowinsitance sp? But he's finished every bottle he's had since :D
iv just tried daisy on dentinox as i ran out of infacol and she spat that out big style i then tried it and cantsay i blame her it was rank lol
I swear by gripe water for trapped wind but I stopped all colic by eliminating dairy (breastfeeding) :)
I swear by gripe water for trapped wind but I stopped all colic by eliminating dairy (breastfeeding) :)

I breastfed zander and he had terrible colic for weeks doctor told me it was colic and I had to spoon feed him gripe water it's trapped wind and he liked comfort suckling too much and too down too much wind x

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I use to dilute dentinox in ablittle cool boiled water
Bloody gripe water! How the heck do you spoon gripe water into their mouths without them spitting it back out?! Can I put it in his bottle? What if he doesn't finish his bottle? x stupid stupid gripe water!
I've been doing both, put in bottle and spooning it in. The last feed, I used the Doppler from the infacol, so much easier!
I can tell he's going to be a fussy baby! Lol! x x
Lol aww bless shame he doesnt like Infacol prob the taste more of the smell is like orange i think isnt it lol.
Hope gripe water helps asap for your lil un x

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