baby growth spurt - now slightly on the bigger side


Well-Known Member
Jun 14, 2010
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I had my 30 week's MW appointment last week and when she measured bump, she told me that baby was on the slightly larger side of the scale...

All my MW appointments, she has always told me that baby is on the slightly smaller side but that she will keep an eye on it and monitor it every appointment... so when she annouched this appointment that baby was now infact on the larger side, i couldnt believe it!
she has gone from measuring 27cm to 36cm in about 2 1/2 weeks?!? does this sound about right??

I then had to go to my local hospital for the GTT test a few days later and whilst i was there, i got one of the doctors to re-measure my bump to see if it had changed since the MW measured me - nope, it was still 37cm.

I've read online on various pregnancy websites that at about 31 weeks pregnant, baby should be measuring about 39 - 40cm ..... so now im majorly confused?!

Im soo worried about having a big baby as im only 4'9" so im sure my short ass body wont be able to carry a massive baby! The doctor at the hospital has booked me in to see a consultant nearer my due date so they can acess me but they have bascially told me that if baby is on the larger side, that they dont normally intervine unless absolute necessary for my sake and babys.

The thing that worries me the most is the fact that she has gone from 27cm to 36cm in such a short amount of time - my MW has told me not to worry to much as i dont have a massive bump and that there isnt loads of water in there so it doesnt necessarly mean i will be having a big baby...

anyone else had simular experience etc?

laura xx
Sorry no experience but didn't want to read and run! The only bit I can relate to is that I am only just 5 foot so I'm with you on the whole not wanting a massive baby! But I figure nature would only make a baby that suited my size....hopefully :)
I've been told I would have a small baby due to being vertically challenged and being really slim, my bump was apparently small but had a scan and baby is spot on, so who knows I guess it differs per person. xXx
hey! i always wonder about this measuring the bump thing, what if baby has just moved and made a bigger bulge? lol! not sure if it makes any difference, but i just think its a bit wierd how they can suddenly measure loads more than what you were measuring. Ive also been told im having a small baby, at scan everything was smaller than average and bump measures 2cm small everytime i go, so we will see! ive got midwife again on wednesday so i guess we will see what size baby is this week lol!
I dont think id worry about it too much dude, hopefully youre not having a huge baby given your frame! you'd think they'd only grow to what their mummy can handle lol x
Due to gestational diabetes my growth scans have showed baby 2-3 weeks bigger yet my bump measures perfect for dates. Midwife said bump measurements are a guideline and depends on babies position most of the time.
thank you. im due my results for the GTT test anyday now, so it could even be that i do infact have gestational diabetes which i understand could mean a bigger baby.

I understand that measurments of the bump are guidelines, i just got confused when i read on the internet that bump should measure about 40 cm at 31 weeks and the MW and doctor are telling me that 37cm at 31 weeks is on the bigger side..

I have made another appointment to see my MW next week anyway as advised to by the doctor so i guess i'll have to see what she says then i suppose.

thanks all

bump measurments arent very accurate at full term i measured 36cm so they said baby would be smal she came out weighing 8lb 1oz! x
I measured 33cm at 40 weeks and he was 8lb born so bump measurements aren't very accurate at all! Try not to worry x x
Oooh strange, perhaps your measurements are all a bit out as your so tiny height wise,so don't worry.

I'm tall and mine are always out. I measured 3 weeks smaller at 27 weeks, but when checked at 28 weeks, all was average baby size wise, if not much bigger on baby head size by a few weeks. Now they have tested you for GTT , they can rule that out, and you can relax, don't worry I don't hold much on these sizing guesses either !
my mw told me that when measuring, baby should be up to 3cm either way for number of weeks, so for 33 weeks, should measure between 30cm and 36 cm. She did do it wrong for me a few times tho and had to send me for a growth scan cos it appeared baby had shrunk lmao so she maybe hasnt a clue what she is doing lol

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