Baby feeds for ages


Well-Known Member
Feb 27, 2011
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How long should she be feeding for?

When I feed her she is rarely attached for anything less than 45 mins now. It used to be 20-40 mins but I'm often sat here 1hr plus later still feeding.

Could this be the reflux?
Hey torino, no real advice here but until one if the girls that are experts is here....
Reflux can cause comfort eating as milk calms the symptoms ifykwim.
On the other hand I suppose babies like anyway to just stayed latched for comfort I heard.
Do you actually hear her swallowing?
Maybe is a growth sprout?

Sorry that k can't really help you didn't want to read and rub though
Thanks lovely.

I just wanted to try and gauge what was normal.

I had thought as bf became established that babies got more efficient at getting the milk and feeds were a bit quicker. Mine seem to be going the other way, though we probably have other issues causing that right now.
Torino I am pretty sure that I saw other girls with order Los that they stay latched for long? They usually put it down to comfort latching or a growth sprout?
I hope you get some answers when you go see the doctors :hug:

Stay strong there you are doing so good .
Soon one of the lovely ladies here will help you.
A couple of weeks ago Henry fed for 3 hours straight during a growth spurt so could just be that?
It's normal for them to go through a phase of really long feeds, esp during a growth spurt to increase your milk supply. Just go with it and enjoy the relaxing time, catch up on some crap tv or films. They do use us for comfort too but it won't last forever, Kynon only feeds for 10 mins max during the day and has done for a few months, they get far too nosey. However they do have longer feeds at night or nap time, that creamy hind milk they get and savor slowly is good for them and takes a while to get it all. I often think of it as sometimes we're starving and shovel a sarnie down in a few minutes and other times we want a three course meal and savor every mouthful, it's the same for them so I guess your LO is having lots of three course meals just now!
Joshua is the same every feed is usually about an hour, I think he may be having a growth spurt as gained 10ounces in a week.

I was wondering about expressing as at the moment baby has to be with me all the time and as wants feeding frequently feel like I can't really get much done and takes ages to actually get out of the house (usually manage to leave by 3pm). My midwife said if I expressed I would need to every 2 hours so don't really want to do this as I think this will be too much to cope with xxx
Theo's feeds last an hour now too. Thru never used to be that long but passed week and a half have been an hour long each time xx
I can't remember how old LO is and I'm on my phone so no tickers, Tyler was pretty much permanently attached for the first 6 weeks but after that it gets so much better, trust me :)

My eldest always took 45 mins- 1 hour to feed even at 4 months old. I used to just sit down with drink and cake abd watch rubbish tv all day. Was nice to take the time
It could be a spurt like the girls said. But comfort feeding can be due to reflux as the milk cools the acid momentarily. Xxx

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