Baby Einstein Videos are fab ***


Well-Known Member
May 24, 2005
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I know there is a simular post on baby einstein but I just wanted to really recommend the videos. I have 2 now and they are brilliant!

Someone bought me one when Aimee was born and I didnt use it thinking how can a newborn baby watch tv... I later tried it when she was about 4 weeks old and it really kept her interested, iv been using it since and she never gets bored of it. they are educational so its not like sitting them infront of the telly all day & really great if you need to get on with something

They range in ages but are from birth ..... go get one ! (no im not on commission!)
I know they're ace aren't they. Reece is sitting watching Baby Doolittle at the moment. He could watch them for hours if I let him. He's also got the Baby Newton one. I love the clown song on that one :D Although the deep blue see song on Doolittle is also great :dance: lol
I downloaded mine off internet.. You can buy them in mothercare though but they're expensive. Around £15 i think.

Can you send films via email?
not sure? some one tryed sending me a video clip the other day it didnt work?

whats do you use to search? and download?
No you need to get a bit torrent first then find a torrent site and use that to download them (think thats right :? ) I did my einsteins last year though and when I've looked recently they're aren't any about anymore.
theres a free one on this months mother and baby mag :D
They are about £18 from mothercare or you can get them off ebay for about £5 !

Dionne- they should do one for Dior's age also so it might keep her attention when you want time with Harley..
these are excellent i got mine from ebay :D much cheaper than mothercare and they were all still sealed in there packaging :D

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