Baby dropping


Well-Known Member
May 19, 2005
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Has anyone else noticed that in the last week or so, The presssure round there ribs has lessened but feels more heavier down below. I noticed it on weds when I got up and gradually oer the last few days I noticed it getting heavier in the bottom of my stomach. I'm also peeing loads more than before again(like in the 1st tri), and shooting pains in my bits .:oops:

Its not too early for the baby to start dropping is it?

When I saw my gp for an antinatal a couple of weeks ago she said I was measuring 33 weeks instead of 31 does that mean it could be earlier or probably just a big baby.
im measuring two weeeks bigger than i am too.
You're probably having a bigger baby and the feelings you have are maybe the head engaging or dropping into yout pelvis more. I feel the same - im getting lots of pressure in my pelvis now.
Thanks I thought maybe it was but Ilike to know if anyone else is having that feeling. It seemed to happen ovenight.

As for big baby- Iwas hoping it will be early.Ive got midwife on thursday so I will see if im still measuring big. Did your other measure big at all??

yes i measured big with my second but not as consistantly as i do with this one. My second was 8Ib 14oz.
I wasn't sure of my dates with this one so it may be that i am two weeks further gone. But its more than likely ill have another large baby.
Ill go for a growth scan in a few weeks if i continue measuring big just to check the baby is ok.
:) don't worry about it.

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