Hubby and I debated over getting and using one of these. He did lots of reading up on them and how good the results actually are etc. He was not overly impressed enough to want to get one.
His felt that chances are it would make me more paranoid than is good for me. He's right in a way. Also it would mean moving it from the cot to the pram etc and I'd never really know a moments peace.
LO will be sleeping right next to us for the first 6 months and I think that while I will worry, as all new parents do, I shall actually be better off without it.
Baby will be sleeping in the advised postion, feet down, in a sleeping bag on a new decent mattress. Also the room temp will be within the considered safe/good margins. We don't smoke, don't drink and have done what we can to investigate all the other things that are felt to make a baby at higher risk and try to address them. Will also have good baby monitor (digital thing) that rates highly.
If I do have any cause for concern I hope I can discuss with MW or doctor and see if they consider LO needing monitoring and if so then I'd use one, but otherwise, I'll start off without.