Baby at 34 weeks


Well-Known Member
Jun 3, 2012
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Has anyone given birth at 34 weeks, I've posted in Tri 3 but in hospital and doctors thinking of bringing baby early and I'm worried its 2 early, baby is 34+2 so far
I haven't had a baby early, but a friend of mine was induced at 33 weeks and she was home with a 5lb baby a week an a bit later. Baby is now a happy healthy 2 month old

Doctors will only deliver baby if they think he will be better off out of the womb. And they can mature his lungs if they aren't already. Don't stress yourself out. They will do what's best for you and baby x
Totally agree with Toria. I had my first baby at 36 weeks. She was very tiny, but that was due to pre-eclampsia. I'm not sure the reason they're thinking of inducing you, but usually by 34 weeks baby is a reasonable size and they can give stuff to mature the baby's lungs if necessary (although this also might be ready for birth at this gestation - I'm not sure). Doctors will always do what's in both the baby's and your best interests and the benefits must always outweigh the risks. Just ask all the questions you want of them, they'll be able to give you the answers xx
I had a scan this week at 32 weeks plus 3 and baby was sized at 4 lb. my babies are normsl about 7lb and under at birth so not huge , so will give you a average lady size estimate . Babies born now really do have very good neonatel units to come into and they would give you steroids jabs in bum to help develop lungs too
It is early, but do remember you're less than three weeks away from full term. By 34 weeks some babies don't even need special treatment, some of them end up just going straight to the normal post-natal ward.

Your doctors will do what's best for you and the baby, but do ask any questions you have, it's the doctor's job to make sure you understand everything so you can give INFORMED consent.

Good luck with everything x
Try not to worry like people have said doctors are doing what they think is my best cousins had her baby at 26+4 due to pre-eclampsia she was in hospital from 24 weeks but they couldn't leave any longer and the little cutie will be three years old this December and he is absolutely fine just a little bit smaller then average :) try not to stress yourself out they know what their doing :)
my friend had her baby at 35 weeks- she was induced. he had a feedinfg tube for the first 2 weeks but apart from that requried no medical intervention. He was 5lb 7 and is now a very happy healthy little 4 month old
I had my 2nd baby at 32 weeks and 3rd one was 35.5 weeks, both ok
i had greg at 35 weeks, his heart was working right and he was an emergency section. he spent 10 days in nicu, hdu and scbu ( collectively not 30 days in total) and came home. hes a happy healthy wee man now 9 mths old. its IS early but best possible place and not MASSIVELY early. not to detract feom your worry. when greg was in hospital he had two 'friends' next to him born at 33 and 32 weeks and they did fine and another family had their baby boy at 24+3and he went home healthy and happy (albeit in hosp for approx six minths).

make sure you write your list of worries and qns down so you can ask them etc and i found the nurses and drs VERY honest and open about it all!! this section has been a life saver for me. i dont always post but reading others experiences is brilliant xx
sorry meant the premature baby section has been helpful x

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