Baby aspirin, or low dose aspirin in a dosage of 81mg or less per tablet, is very beneficial to fertility. It is believed that aspirin helps with the blood flow to the ovaries and uterus. Though this has not been fully researched, taking an aspirin a day certainly cannot hurt prior to achieveing pregnancy. There are some conditions that means you should not take Aspirin, such as stomach ulcers.
Some doctors will okay taking low dose or baby aspirin during pregnancy, though the majority will not. Ask your doctor, as soon as you become pregnant, as to whether or not to continue with the aspirin.
It doesn't matter what brand of aspirin you choose, as long as it has no more than 81 mg per tablet. This will be in either the chewable baby aspirins, or in the adult low dose aspirin. The tablets are very small and easy to swallow. You only need to take one tiny pill per day to reap the benefits. Taking one low dose or baby aspirin (81 mg) a day is a good thing to add to the supplements you are already taking. It may be worth discussing with your doctor first though, as I wouldn't advise self medicating.