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Calling out to you ladies with a BFP....


Well-Known Member
Feb 12, 2010
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Right....CONGRATULATIONS im sooooo happy for you all :)

What did you guys try the month you got your BFP?? Ive just had my 8th BFN and i wanna try everything i can this month.

Im already taking Angus Castus. Whats the baby asprin one? How much again?

Is there any foods anyone knows of that can help boots fertility? Foods to avoid??

Thanks girls. I know i post stuff like this evey month, but i treat them all as new ones, so i want fresh info, advice and ideas.

Love to you all :) xxx
Hi Chazzabell

I got my BFP this month. Basically me and OH only BD'd twice this month. Once just after AF went and once 3 days before OV.
I put two pillows under my bum for 30 mins after bd'ing. I have been taking 'mother to be' tablets since TTC.
I haven't eaten anything different this month, but the week I OV'd I was on holiday from work so was relaxed which may or may not have helped me conceive.

Hope you get your BFP soon hun.
i defo think trying to relax and enjoying your time with your OH helps. I had more fun BDing last month and did more fun things with OH, spent more time with friends and generally treated myself. I know it can be hard to chill out when its always on your mind but stress is never good. Good luck x
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The only thing we did different was BD less!! We only did it twice that month, didn't get up after so slept with his you know what inside me, I know gross...! I was using opk's but we had sex 4 days before I got a positive so didn't have sex just because I had a positive opk!! Oh and I was already taking folic acid, don't know if that helped or not!!
Goodluck! x x
I was considering the not having sex much thing too. I figure if OH has a sperm probs it'll be better to get 'quality' ie on ovulation days rather than quantity. Frankly I've got nothing to lose! It's my 10th month and 10's a good round number, hoping it holds something special for me.
got mine this month god knows how though lol!! and im just being careful that it sticks :( but my adive is to relax as best you can tbh!
I've been taking pregnacare conception since starting ttc. This monthwe only BD'd once as DH was working away for most of the month- I was using OPK's and got my LH surge the day after we bd'd. Apart from that I think I had quite a relaxing month.
Wow thanks for all the info girls.....im not having sex this month! Ha ha! xxx
We only BD'd once, and did the pillows under my bum n legs in the air for half an hour afterwards.
oh yeah me too - i always did the legs in the air routine x
Well, I've been doing the legs in the air method too the last 5 times we've BD'ed so I'm hoping and praying that it's done the trick!
We didnt really do much different, i was taking pregnicare since coming off the pill. Think we only bd about 4 or 5 times all month, but i wasnt stressing over becoming pg, and we were both relaxed as we didnt think it was going to happen so quick. Goodluck and lots of baby dust :dust::dust::dust x x

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We didn't do anything different. No change to our diets etc had sex when we felt like it, no bum in the air stuff.

Hope you get your bfp soon x

Babydust x
i seriously think its a relaxing thing, like not getting stressed over not concieving straight away etc, just have some fun and a dirty weekend away! lol that is how i concieved, just being a little mad i guess :rofl: not that i was trying but it obviously works! x
Ok so mines is a bit different because it was AI but I agree with the others, I was do relaxed about it. Maybe because I really didn't think I would get pregnant the first month trying with AI. I had opks too but never had a proper positive on the days I did AI. Didn't change my diet. Was taking folic acid.
I really think it was because I was so relaxed about it. It must be more difficult to relax when you've been trying for a while and I know I was very lucky. Oh I also had two pillows under my pelvis. I didn't have my legs right up in the air cos the "stuff" would sorta come out the other way. Sorry TMI lol.

Good luck hunni!

X x x x
Thanks again girls, i cannot wait for AF to naff off so i can have some fun. Full of a dam cold too which sucks, so im going to chill with wine and choc muffins tonight ha ha ha :) xxx
Ha, Im going to say the opposite to everyone else and BD LOADS!!! Thats what we did, every day, twice on ovulation day, and im glad as during the 2ww I knew that I had done everything I possibly could have that month.

Have fun, whateva you decide to do! Good luck xxxxx
great thread chazabell!! great to read everyones stories :)

enjoy your wine and muffins..hmm, im suddenly feeling the urge for some choccies!! xx

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