Baby aspirin

Gizzy Kelly

Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2011
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Just a quick one. Someone mentioned to me that baby aspirin is good to take when you get a + on your tests. So basically is this the normal aspirin you get from supermarkets or is it a different type of aspirin? Also once I get the + how much do you take and for how long?

I hope you don't mind me posting here but I had a very wary mc on 15th July and was told this helps. I want to be prepared next time.


Gizzy xxxx
I am in the minority here Gizzy but when I went for my recurrent m/c tests I saw 2 different consultants and both advised against baby asprin.

The first consultant asked me not to take it as I was undergoing tests and obviously they didn't want me to start medicating until they knew what was "wrong" - he also said that if I did have a blood clotting issue asprin alone would be unlikely to help.

The second consultant who gave me my results was really anti baby asprin and told me that as my bloods had shown NO issues with my blood he really didn't recommend that I took them (although this consultant was a bit odd - I had to beg him to give me high dose folic acid?? despite being preggers again!)

Personally I would speak to someone medical before you start taking them! They are blood thinners and if you don't have a problem with blood clotting they could potentally do more harm that good??

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Hi, I'm taking 'baby' aspirin at the moment on advise of the recurrent miscarriage doctor at my hospital. I've had no tests done to find out what kept going wrong and I can't now obviously as I'm pregnant. I asked the nurse at the EPU if there was anything I could do to stay pregnant and she asked if I'd thought about aspirin (75mg from boots, over the counter). She spoke to the Doctor for me and she recommended I have it, said it couldn't hurt but could make a real difference.

I've been taking it for 3 weeks now, I'm 9+1, have seen the heartbeat twice and everything seems to be going well (touch wood). I've not made it far enough to see a heartbeat (apart from my blighted ovum) in 2 years. Not sure if it's luck, fate, aspirin or just my time, but I know that if we decided to go for a fourth child after this one then I'll be taking it again!

No idea how long I'm meant to take it for though, I'll make sure to ask the EPU when I'm there next and let you know!
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I'd never made it far enough to see HB either before this pregnnacy and I haven't taken baby asprin.

I know many, many women on here swear by it but I'd still check with GP at very least (or if you have a consultant maybe ask him/her??)

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I'm not sure exactly what baby aspirin is so dont know if its the standard shop ones, iv been prescribed 150mg aspirin and advised to take them from 12 weeks, I was told they are available in shops but I got them to prescribe them so if anything goes wrong as a result of them then I wouldn't blame myself. Im only on them because they know the cause for my losses. Personally I wouldn't take them without the doc saying so and as carnat said they could do more harm then good xxx
Hi, I was told as soon as I got pregnant then I had to inform my doctor so she could prescribe "low dose" aspirin as it is supposed to help bed the placenta into the uterus!!

I was also told to take Vitamin D as well and that was only supposed to be for the first 12 weeks and then come off it all x
Hay gizzy I thought a lot about taking it after my 3rd .mc bit didn't as am bit of a wimp about taking things that the doctor hasn't told me is safe any way after my 4th .mc I finally got my results and it showed I do have a problem with my blood clotting so was told to take 150 mg aspirin from the time I got a positive test. Which I did and it sadly still ended in my 5 th .mc. so it didn't work for me but I do wish I had taken it in some of my pregnancies before. I have read so much about it and so many ladies swear by it defo talk to your doctor before but from what I have read most doctors will say they see no harm in taking it xxx
hi i have had 2 mmcs one 5.5 weeks one 10 weeks i went along to my doc cos without another mc they wont test which is disgusting i know and i wanted to help in any way to try and stop this happening again so asked the doc who said by taking 75mg of asprin wont hurt me but could help a pregnancy so i ahve been taking it for about 6 weeks now along with high dose folic acid take both daily and have had no side effects wat so ever and u take it up to 12 weeks xx
If you do take it its best to take 75mg with a special coating for protecting your stomach lining!
I take it, I self prescribed. Noone would help me, nedicalwise, so I felt I had to do something. I researched it, and my research concluded for me, it could do no harm but might help. Oddly then I went to epau at 7 weeks, just as I had had losses beofre, and doc said, hve u tried low dose aspirin. I take 75mg each morning, I got mine from tesco, and now doc says to take until 34 weeks xx
i also did a hell of a lot of research dani as i was a bit wary but i found lots of gd from it and well tbh no bad from taking it that gave me my answer even tho doc said to take as woukdnt do no harm as the dose is so low, thought maybe af would be worse or bruised easy but neither of those has been any worse than normal xx
I take 75mg of Aspirin every day, i have from 5 +2. I went to the hospital when I was 5+1 for testing for recurrent mc. As i was pregnant they couldn't do the tests but they sent me to the epau for a scan, both the doctor and the midwife said to take it as it couldn't hurt, but could help. I saw the hb that day and again 3 weeks later. I don't know if the aspirin helped but I'm glad I take it.

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