Hi ladies. I have to take baby asprin when pregnant & advised to take it after ovulation, which i am taking them now
asprin is given to help blood flow to the lining of the womb to help implantation & also if one has a blood clotting issue which can cause miscarriage then they are advised to take this after ovulation right through there pregnancy.
However you cant take this long term with out medical supervision because long term use of baby asprin can cause internal bleeding! its safe to use for 2 mths then come off for a month & start them again. When using these long term if to prevent miscarriage due to blood clotting issues then your under doctors care so if anything goes wrong he's there to help & there to blame ( if that makes sence )
It helps a great deal with implantation rates & there has been new feedback from doctors in usa about this asprin, apperantly if you take it right through pregnancy it can cause miscarriage, dont know what to belive cause over here they got you taking it while pg. I am under a private doctor now at a ( Care ) hospital & he has advised me to take the asprin ONLY from day of positive ovulation test up till bfp then stop & switch to clexane blood thinning injections, due to my pregnancy losses. He says that he wont recommend me taking the asprin right through, he knows better than my nhs doctor, he is superb that superb he works with zita west now
So i take his advise. I am on baby asprin 75mg now up untill test day.
Can i just say that asprin IS given here in the uk to ladies right through there pregnancys & our doing well or given birth with NO complaints, so its best to get doctors advice to continue this, if you do a get a bfp while doing the asprin in your 2ww. xx