Baby #2?


Well-Known Member
Mar 28, 2005
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I keep thinking about getting pregnant again and I'm not sure why? I think I might be missing being pregnant? I did also really enjoy labour and being at the hospital and all the excitement. Isaac is so good aswell, sleeping through the night and being such a little ray of sunshine that I feel like another baby wouldn't be a bad thing and that I could cope and that in the long run it would be great to have kids so close together without a big age gap. I think these things are clouding my judgement and making me feel like having another baby for the wrong reasons. I know I can tell you about it and you won't think I'm being stupid.

Any of you feel the same or considering another baby so soon?

Lou :)
Hi Lou, i would love to be pregnant again soon, but due to a bad pregnacy will have to wait a few years until Abi can fend for herself a little :(, i miss feeling my baby move inside me, and sometimes feel jealous of pregnant friends.

I think its normal for most for us at least , i also want my kids close in age .
XXX Katrina
i completely understand, we are TTC at the moment.

there is an 18 month age gap between Charlie and Ethan, and they get on so well, they are very close, its lovely to see.
I wanted the same for Coby so we are just going for it, i coped fine when Charlie and Ethan were little so im sure i will again, plus i want to have all my children before im 30, im 29 this year.

wow glad its not just me. I also miss feeling Isaac in my tummy plus I knew he was safe in there and sometimes when I see bad things happening on the news I wish I could put him back in my belly and protect him. Weird!

Sometimes though I just think I should count my blessings and be grateful for what I have. It took us a year to get pg with Isaac so I'm assuming I can have another baby when in fact I may not even be able to!

I'll keep you posted if we decide to try for another one soon.

Lou :)
I also miss being pregnant! I had an awful labour which ended in a c section but I just can't shake the feeling away! I'm so in love with my son that I can't wait to have a little brother or sister for him to play with! We've decided we'll talk about another one next year but we don't want more than two, I'm well excited lol!

Layla wanting to finish having kids by 30 its sounds like Bernie as he doesnt want any after 30 and im only 19 so we have less then ywo years to have another one.
Good luck to you hun.
I'm the same in that I want more kids but not after I'm 30, nothing against older mums but I first got pregnant when I was 19 so I would like some time for myself when I'm older. Only 26 next month though so I have plenty of time yet!
Im exactly the same and Im only 20 and have all the time in the world to have more, but I would love them close together, I think maybe in about 2 years though. If I had the space and the money then I think I would go for it :) I LOVED being pregnant I know what u mean about bein in hospital ect, I miss my midwife she was lovely and really looked after me.
God I feel really old now ! :shock:

Im 29 & OH is 37 !!!!! I still feel too young to have a child.
We want more but im not ready yet but dont want to be old parents also
Duds said:
God I feel really old now ! :shock:

Im 29 & OH is 37 !!!!! I still feel too young to have a child.
We want more but im not ready yet but dont want to be old parents also

Lol Dus, I'm 28 (OH is only 25) but I don't want another baby for a while. You won't be old parents, at 29 you have loads of time :D
Lauz_1601 said:
If I had the space and the money then I think I would go for it :)

Just go for it. We thought that too but there will never be enough space or money. There will be 2 years between my two and I cant wait. We will be shoehorned into this flat but sod it, we will get by,

I'm 32 this year and will definately have however many kids we want before 35 if possible. I worry a bit because of the time it took to fall pg with Isaac. Although I do think that stopping smoking helped me fall pg so maybe next time it will happen sooner. I've stopped my pill because I had a migraine 2 months on the trot as soon as I finished a 28 day cycle. We are using other methods but to be honest if we were the small percentage of people whose contraception fail them then we wouldn't be upset! ;)

Me and Jarrod are quite luckly because we feel as though we've done plenty before starting a family. And I'm proud that we have done it when we are financially secure and have our own house. Not that I'm knocking people who don't. We've also travelled lots so we feel Isaac has good open minded experienced parents that know a thing or two about the big wide world!

Listen to me....blowing my own trumpet lol (I'm actually just trying to convince myself that I should have a more babies)!

Think this time next year I will be pg or at least trying.

Lou :)

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