Babies sleeping bed thingy


Well-Known Member
Jun 24, 2010
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Excuse the title of the thread. Lol

Im staying at mums for about 4/5 months so I was stressing my brain trying to figure out where to put baba to sleep.

Moses baskets last up to 4 month or until baby pulls themselves up.
Cribs last up to 6 months but can't be shifted from one room to another.
Travel cots last til baba is 18 months n can be shifted from 1 room to another.
My room isn't massive so I got the travel cot but will get a crib if needed as my room isnt big enough for my king sized bed plus the cot.

What did u guys get? And what's ur opinion on them.
I don't know anything about these things n only quoted from my mothercare catalogue :s
Your gonna love me lol I got given a Moses basket, which I shall use straight away, a crib for downstairs I guess which was also given to me. I have a proper cot put up in my bedroom and my Moses basket just sits inside it for now, and I got a travel cot for Xmas as I will prob sleep out a fair bit. So I have all the variety! I think that if I hadnt been given the Moses basket or crib is rather of had the loses basket as I can carry that up and sown stairs easier than a crib if she was to fall asleep downstairs then I can justtake her up without waking her. The cot I will use as soon as she foraging like the basket any more. The crib may potentially be a waste of space! X
Looool so u got the whole shebang lol

Where mums place is all on one level I didnt wanna get all three incase I don't use one.
The travel cot is so nice I wanna get in it but I can't help but wonder, should I have gotten the Moses basket??
I've got a moses basket Tegan is 10 weeks old and still fits in it fine, downstairs she just sleeps in her swing or bouncy chair. i've got a big cot bed ready in her room for when she gets bigger x
Cot bed??
Is that a cot that converts to a bed or something??
It converts to a toddler bed which they can sleep in till there 5 years old i paid £99 for mine from babies are us x
I live in a flat and I have all three, I have a crib for our bedroom, a Moses basket fro the living room and a cot bed for her bedroom but she won't be going in there for a good few months! The Moses basket we will also use if we go to my mums for the day as she will need somewhere to sleep until she is old enough or a travel cot
Omg I should have gone bloody babies r us!!!!!
Instead, I raided mothercare :(
I had two Moses baskets, one on each floor to save me carrying it (I had a section) and the cot in her room.

She outgrew the baskets 4 weeks ago, she waves her arms in her sleep and wakes herself up, loads of room in the cot.

I have a travel cot for when we go caravanning or to relatives but I doubt we will be going to far from home as our parents live 15 mins away.

Emma x
moses basket downstairs, moses basket in our room and cot in the nursery when its ready. my DD outgrew her moses basket at 4 months last time.
I have a moss basket and stand for downstairs and a crib for next to my bed at night.
When shes old enough to go into her own room (sharing with my son) at 6/7 months she will then sleep in my sons cot as hell then be in a toddler bed. x
yeah we got a moses basket for bedroom to begin with for first few months then we got a cot bed for when out grows basket. xx
I have a Moses basket and when he out grows that he will be in the cot! I'm on one level aswell so all 3 would be a bit of a waste I feel!
Also have a carrycot for buggy so during the day he will sleep in there as I want to get him into a routine of going in the Moses basket or cot in the bedroom only when it is night time, as I think it will make it easier as he gets older!
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the more i read this thread the more i think i really dont need that bloody crib, but my nan has lent it to me! dammit! i dont know how to wriggle out of that one haha x
Lol, thanks ladies.
It's good to see I'm not the only one thinking of practicality.
Im still in two minds as to weather I need the Moses basket or not.
It's just that the Moses basket is £89 n I don't know if I need it or not.
God that an expensive Moses basket! To be fair they aren't in them that long and forthst kind of money it actually is a waste. Save that money for nursing bras or an outfit for once the baby is here :) x
We are all on one floor too.
Seems a million years ago but AJ used his moses and then went into the cotbed when he outgrew it.
I know, mum won't buy a cheaper one lol she says that's cheap enough. I was happy with the Winnie the pooh Moses basket for £50 lol
But ok, I will skip the Moses basket then lol.
Thing is I don't plan to pop another one out for at least 3/4 years :)
we got a moses basket and a cot hun.
baby will sleep in basket when upstairs ( or co-sleep coz of night time breastfeeding). my DD out grew hers when she was about 4 months xx
We've just got a cot. We're in a 1 bed flat so no need for loads. Was told by someone with lots of money we should get a moses basket, but we're not rich! Baby will go in the cot, simple! We hope....!

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