Babies heart has stopped. Confirmed today


Well-Known Member
Sep 14, 2014
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Hi all

Well just as above my wee babies heart has stopped at 7 weeks today and I am in the process of miscarrying. I can't believe this is happening to me. Am due a d&c on Monday and really am dreading it. Had a scan this morning my wee sac is still intact with the yolk sac but no
Heartbeat after seeing this on Thursday. I am heartbroken. I thought I passed it myself last night but seems it was a big clot.

Would really like to chat to ladies in my position. My hubby has been wonderful, but this grief is swallowing me x
I'm do sorry to read this Quinn, I had a mmc last year and it really is heartbreaking, I think I found it even harder having seen the heartbeat first. There's nothing i can say that will really help I know but look after yourself..

The procedure itself is the easy the part so try not to worry about that too much and if you have any questions about it feel free to ask xxx
Hi Quinn. I went through the same thing in Feb, I thought I was 10 weeks but baby had only developed to 7 and heart stopped. I also had to wait nearly a week for my d&c. I was terrified and told the nurse before it that I couldn't go through with it but physically it's actually totally fine. Don't worry.

Look after yourself, if you need to cry then cry and like someone else said if your worried about anything just ask x
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I am so sorry for your loss. Life is so cruel. My only advice is take care of yourself and your oh. Take time to grieve!! Xxx
Quinn I really am so, so sorry for your loss. Life is so cruel at times. I had my mc 3 weeks ago and I am only starting to feel normal now. As the other posters have said take time out to deal with your emotions, which really is like a rollercoaster right now. Know that you could have done nothing to change things. Spend time with you oh, make sure you both talk about it, talk every evening about your feelings, know that it is ok to have good days and bad days. Sending you lots of love, really do try to rest up and take care of yourself x
Hi I'm so sorry for your loss it's heart breaking I know. I was in same position last year I saw the heartbeat at 7 weeks and by 8 weeks it was gone. I was in complete shock for ages and decided on a Erpc (d and c). Try not to be worried about the prOcedure it was over before you know it and very minimal recovery after physically. Emotionally give yourself time and keep looking forward to the future and be positive. It really will get better in time x xx
sorry to hear of this Quinn, I miscarried on the 2nd of October at 13+3 weeks... absolutely heartbreaking isn't it? big hugs for you xxxxx
So sorry quinn i know exactly wat ur goin thru i was told at our 12wk scan that baby had stoppd growing at 9weeks i took medical management which wasnt pleasant but i knew it was necessary think the hardest part is noone can tell u why it happens an its awful - here anytime u wana talk shout etc xx
So sorry Quinn. I've been through a mmc too so know the pain you are going through. It will get easier with time. I had an erpc, and it wasn't as horrific experience as I expected. I was signed off sick for 2 weeks after and although I didn't want to take all the time off I did and it was the best thing for me. xx
Oh Quinn, I am so very sorry to read this. I've had one mmc (then D&C) and one 'natural' mc. Wishing you loads of strength. Don't put any pressure on yourself to "act" in a certain way. You do what you need to do to mourn your baby. Sending you and hubby lots of hugs. xxx
Hi Quinn,

I'm pretty certain I'm in the process of losing the baby, I'm 8 weeks and 4 days, passing some big clots now and going through a lot of pads; just waiting for my scan on Monday to confirm.

Pretty helpless feelings, OH has been lovely and booked sometime off work as can't face the public right now. Been sipping warm water all day and that has helped the cramps.
I'm so sorry for your loss, i had the same a few years ago at 12 weeks with my angel baby. The erpc is fine , don't worry about that, get some pads/ bag packed incase things off before then like I had.

Don't try to get on with things, it's ok to be a mess of emotions, just take some recovery time for yourself and take little steps, you will get past this but it just takes time xxx
So sorry to hear what you are going through. Thinking of you. Look after yourself xx
Sorry to hear this. Loke the ladies have said it will take time, allow yourself to be angry, sad and confused and to grieve! It is heartbreaking and there are no words to comfort you but that it just wasnt time for this wee baby. I had a mmc in may and it will be in my hwad and heart forever xx
So sorry for your loss its devastating iv bn thru a mmc beg september and im still not over it its such a confusing an emotional time

Loom after urself an let ur emotions out dont hold them in xx

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