Babies and TV


Well-Known Member
Apr 25, 2005
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What do you think of babies watching tv? We discovered a couple of days ago that Thomas could see the TV and was enjoying himself in front of it. So we left him watch a bit of TV for about 3 days ( Cbeebies) . However, we found out his behaviour had changed within that time. He was ignoring us trying to catch a glance of the tv, was not laughing as much and much more difficult to settle at bed time. So we decided that Thomas will not watch tv until he is much older.

Any views on babies and tv?
Bless, I think it's natural they get distracted by the TV. I don't really put Dom in front of it but it is on in the background and if he hears a bit of music or a loud voice he turns to look.

I only pop him in front if I need to get something done.

It's a balance really I suppose. I think it can be good and bad, it's good stimulation once in a while but you don't want to over do it.

He still loves you guys more thabn TV ;)
At the moment Brody will just see TV as a box of lights in the corner, he will turn to watch it if I put him on the floor. I try to put music channels on more than anything's still a kind of stimulation.
I'm not sure what's best...leaving them with nothing to look at or letting them get a bit distracted by the TV when you need to do something else for a few minutes, swings and roundabouts really I suppose.
Seren loves looking at the tv for a litle while, think it is the colours and movement. I will put on her baby einstein dvd whilst I dop some housework but like minikins says it is all about balance. Thomas may like the tv for a bit but I bet he prefers cuddles and kisses from mummy and daddy more x

I swore blind that Isaac would not watch tv but yep he loves it. He watches Baby Einstein, Kerrang and he loves deal or no deal ;) As long as he is not plonked infront of it and given little choice but to watch it then I see no harm in him watching from a distance if something catches his attention.

I prefer to have music on as background noise in the day rather than tv. All that shouting on trisha and jeremy kyle would upset Isaac I think! The only problem I have is that the type of music I like is quite heavy and has naughty words in so I try and be careful what I put on the stereo! Isaac does like a bit of korn though lol

Lou :)
lou said:

I swore blind that Isaac would not watch tv but yep he loves it. He watches Baby Einstein, Kerrang and he loves deal or no deal ;)

Kerrang - I so want Sky so we can get that. Seren is a little rock chicky too, she gets comforted by Lamb of God (no idea how mind).
lol beanie

I want Isaac to be a little rock n roller! Am going to buy him a baby Ramones t-shirt from ebay to get him off to a good start lol

Lou :)
That is so cool, OH is planning on buying Seren an Iron Maiden t-shirt. I dread the day she comes home and says she's into a boy band, her daddy will be crushed :D
beanie said:
lou said:

I swore blind that Isaac would not watch tv but yep he loves it. He watches Baby Einstein, Kerrang and he loves deal or no deal ;)

Kerrang - I so want Sky so we can get that. Seren is a little rock chicky too, she gets comforted by Lamb of God (no idea how mind).

beanie where do you live? in the midlands we have kerrang radio it's excellent. You can listen to it online too.

BTW deal or no deal rocks :)
I live in Staffordshire but can only get Kerrang sometimes :( I lost the top bit of my aerial in a freak accident involving an England flag (not from my car but a van in front) on the M6. Its been a bit hit and miss since then :? Didn't know you could get it online, what is the site addres??

Did you see deal or no deal today, I got really into it and kept hiding my eyes when they opened the box.

Theres no way Isaac will like crap music. It is forbidden! I am hoping he will have thick straight hair so he can have punk hair like angelina jolies son Maddox. She also dresses Maddox in vintage rock t-shirts. He is one cool kid :)

Jamie absolutely loves the advert for the car insurance......CONFUSED DOT COM!!!! he starts smiling and giggling straight away!!! :lol: :lol:
Hi Beanie - where is Kerrang radio??!! I used to (still do!!!) love Motley crue / Ozzy / poison / skid row, Kiss, (rock from the eighties - early 90's etc. etc - l would love my little girl to be in to rock music!!)
Lou - Jeremy Kyle !!! ARGHHHHHHHHH

L x
Ahh Deal or No Deal - classic. Did you see it last night, that annoying idiot dealt one deal too early !!!
lol shame he was gay because he was quite beautiful. Lovely eyes.

And jeremy kyle has got to be a wind up. Where do all these terrible people come from?

VH2 is a good music channel aswell as kerrang.

Lou :)
Jess loves the confused dot com add. She used to stare at it and smile and laugh a bit.

I let Jess watch cbeebies, I dont see it changin her any and she can sing balamory a bit. What we do love tho is bear in the big blue house. I quite relaxed about tv but I dont want it on at meal times. She knows when the corrie tune goes off she is bed bound!

I used to watch how clean is your house and when she would her the tune that they played when they were snooping round the diry bits of the house she would make ewwww noises because thats what I did once.

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