away with you, doubt! i stamp on your head!

I had some brown spotting around the time AF was due with my last bfp... i thought it was probably implantation bleeding (at the time I thought it was AF)
Yeah, I've heard that loads, although I didn't get any. Don't know what the explanation is for people who get it all the way through pg though! That must be very weird, glad it's rare.
For some reason I'm not like that at all. When I'm pregnant, I just don't doubt it at all. I'm pregnant, end of story :wink:
Gosh really Xena? Lucky lucky you. I think I'm just like that anyway, not really a cynic but prefer to expect the worst and then it can only get better. I was convinced we wouldn't conceive in the first place, then when we did I was convinced I'd miscarry, now that's looking less likely I'm convinced there's something wrong! guess I should just learn to live with it :wink:
splashmonkey said:
Gosh really Xena? Lucky lucky you. I think I'm just like that anyway, not really a cynic but prefer to expect the worst and then it can only get better. I was convinced we wouldn't conceive in the first place, then when we did I was convinced I'd miscarry, now that's looking less likely I'm convinced there's something wrong! guess I should just learn to live with it :wink:

I don't know what it is about being pregnant that makes me optimistic. I just don't really fear the worst until it gets REALLY close to my due date. and then I start worrying about things that could go wrong during labour and then I scare myself silly lol.

But first trimester I tend not to worry about miscarriage or anything to be honest. I just trust that I'm going to get a baby at the end of it all. Maybe that's naiive of me.

I probably wouldn't be like this if I'd gone through a miscarriage before but I never have so far so I guess that's probably the reason why.
Wow Xena that's brilliant, you're so sensible! I've never had mc either, so no excuse really, when I compare to everyone else on here, but there you go. I shall try and be more positive and visualise actual baby I'll end up with!
I never doubted I was pregnant right up until 5w when my symptoms started to ease off. I was absolutely sure of it before I tested, so much so that I told my best friend I was sure. I just knew and all my symptoms added up to exactly how I felt the previous 2 times.

It's just since then that the symptoms have sort of subsided. Suits me but it still has me a little worried!
ok i took some pics for y'all here are today's (18dpo) done with lunchtime wee! hehee

here are monday's (16dpo) done with first morning wee!

LOL i didnt do 3 tests, its 3 pics of the same test. cant decide which light is clearer lol :lol:

theyre getting darker arent they? thats good innit?!
iv told a few more ppl now as i had to coz i been off work with sickness and extrume tirdness so i had to give the real explanation lol so now the more ppl i no the less i think im pregnant and i keep thinking everythings gna be wrong im convinced it will xena please give some advise on how to be positvie any twinge im getting i think its an eptopic pregnancy or any pain i think im mc and i no its not healthy but i cnt stop im driving myself mad now and iv reaseared the the symtoms but that still dont put my mind at rest arrrgghhhh
trudie said:
iv told a few more ppl now as i had to coz i been off work with sickness and extrume tirdness so i had to give the real explanation lol so now the more ppl i no the less i think im pregnant and i keep thinking everythings gna be wrong im convinced it will xena please give some advise on how to be positvie any twinge im getting i think its an eptopic pregnancy or any pain i think im mc and i no its not healthy but i cnt stop im driving myself mad now and iv reaseared the the symtoms but that still dont put my mind at rest arrrgghhhh

I think you're normal to be honest. Most people do worry at the start of pregnancy. I don't know how I'm not worried about mine. Maybe I'm just a bit odd lol.
I'd be devastated if something did happen to my baby....but it won't! :wink:

Seriously I think maybe I'm just a bit strange lol
Ace pics Trix :dance:

Trudie it's so hard not to worry every second. I just try and distract myself by getting as comfy as possible and reading a book or watching a film (or playing Lara croft :oops: - apparently my cravings are for crap Wii games :lol:) and just trying to forget about all the aches and pains.

Having said that, I went out last night for the first time since my bfp and I was convinced that I was bleeding. Of course I wasn't, it was just constipation pains and all that lovely pregnancy CM (:puke:) but it frightened me so much!

I think you just have to trust that things will work out. I keep talking to hubby about 'when we have a baby' and he keeps saying 'you mean if' and he's right, it could all go horribly wrong but I just have a good feeling about this one and am having to trust it.

Ive felt like this since day 1 i took 5 home pregnancy tests then went to docs n got 2 unconfirmed tests before getting my possitive. I still think something could be rong tho. I cant wait for scan on the 11th. x

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