away with you, doubt! i stamp on your head!


Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2006
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when i was in first tri when i was pg with millie i remember a niggling doubt about going for my dating scan, and being told "you silly little girl! you're not even pregnant!" :lol: LOL and i remember my big sister telling me on the fone that she had the same irrational doubt :lol: even tho i'd taken 3 tests and had all the symptoms :lol:

GRR its back! :roll: :lol: this time iv taken 3 tests again one of them an unmistakeable DIGITAL where the word "pregnant" stares out the screen for 24 hours until the lil battery runs down :lol: and i feel almost EXACTLY the same way i did when i was pg with millie (already not at all like the m/c tho, which is a good sign! :pray: )

but iv still got that little doubty voice, going "ooh what if ur just making the whole thing up in ur head"! :wall:

GO AWAYYYYYYYY little doubty voice! does anyone else have a stupid doubty voice?!?!? let's all stamp on their heads! i kno they talk bullpats coz i got millie to show for it! LOL :lol:
omg that was my worse fear! every woman has to suffer from this surely?
I just tend to forget i'm pregnant :think:

HEY TRIX :shhh:


Do you believe it now??? hehe
Those voices are idiots - this will be proved when the sickness kicks in :lol:
hun i just seen this you PG well done and congratultions xxxx
I never believed I was pregnant for about the first four months - even though I had scans/heartbeats/bumpage to prove it! I work in A&E and every shift I would test my wee - just to make sure!!

Nutters we are!!

Kim x x x x x
Nope, definitely without a shadow of a doubt not just you hon! I do think it would help if the docs/midwives bothered to confirm it when you first get in touch though. I know the HPTs are just as reliable as what they'd do but somehow it feels like you should have a medical professional of some kind actually say that you are pregnant instead of having to wait for the scan!
I am so glad to see this post! I have got two positive tests next to my bed and I check them every night just to reassure myself that I wasn't imagining things! Got my dating scan through for 3rd Feb so I'll be glad when I've been able to see it on screen.

If I have been imagining it though why do I keep falling asleep at work - that would be a hard one to explain!
i've been the same every single time!!

I worked on a ward when Benjamin was pregnant, and i lost count on the number of tests i went through!!
Bec I'm so glad you said that, I kept my test for ages and I swear everyone thought I was a total freak...
I threw mine out but have been regretting it

I keep forgetting i'm pregnant and then worrying because, if i've forgotten then maybe I was never pregnant after all

I bought 2 more tests :oops:

ETA: Ok so I took one of the tests :lol:


Test line is on right. I have NEVER had such a dark line. Even with my CB +/- it was slightly lighter than the control.

I'm chuffed and now have a pee-soaked tiny stick sat on my desk so I can stare at it :D :lol: :oops:
Thats an awesome bfp buddabun!! :cheer:
I've hidden my original bfp in my box with the jo malone bath oils mum treated me to at christmas so that it doesn't fade (it was on a cheapie) and i've got 2 first responses that are randomly where i can see them, just to remind me lol. :oops:
:D cheers I am CHUFFED with how dark it is.. it's even wider than the control line and is sat on my desk fading as I type.

It's weird though, I had so many more symptoms at 3-4weeks and now I'm just a bit achey/tired... So I need that confirmation!
huge congrats bubbadun and trixi :cheer:

bubbadun theres defo no mistaking that line!! trix maybe take another one and stick it were you will see it everyday! :lol:
and take lots of photos of it!!! I forgot with my +/- one and regret it. This is the first cheapie I've done and it doesn't seem as much fun as actually peeing on a stick1
don't worry about it buddabun, I had loads of symptoms around the time of my bfp, then nothing major for a couple of weeks and then it all came back again till now when it's starting to wear off. It goes like that I think, and in particular most symptoms are stronger when you would have been having a period.
is that so! so around 4wks, 8wks, 12wks that sort of thing? I never knew that!!! mind you, I've never got this far along before so... :lol:
apparently so, yes - hormone levels i think. you wouldn't have thought your body would have any reason to remember when you would have been due, but there you go - guess it's the same reason some people have false periods. Dunno, I defo read it somewhere anyhow. Probably wherever I read that the period pain crampy things were normal, that would make sense!

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