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May 22, 2010
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Cian was v irritable fri and sat. Got temp sunday, gave calpol. Temp went to 38.2. Out of hours doc wanted to see him. While there went up to 39. They sent us to a and e. Still very irritable when awake but nearly always asleep. They admitted him for the night.
Monday morning they still weren't happy so wanted him to stay another day.
At this point he'd slept for 35 out of the previous 40 hours. Drinking about half normal milk. Yesterday afternoon I noticed his soft spot was bulging. So my poor little boy had a lumbar puncture. I was sobbing.
A bit after that the rash came up.
His initial results look good, bit full results won't be in til tomorrow. Because of all his symptoms he is being treated for meningitis and septicaemia.
Please pray for us. He seems a bit better today, but still only taking half milk, spot still bulging and rash still there bit not spreading.
Hoping it's nothing major and feel more positive than I did. He's just so little to go through all of this xx
Oh hon - thinking of u all and hope little man is on the mend very soon. Rosie's mummies little boy is in hopsital with meningitis at the moment too - must be very scary for u. Big hugs x x x
Big hugs to you, hoping your little one better and home soon x
Thinking of you and really hope he is better soon!

X x x x
Oh no, that's awful!! Thinking of you both and sending him my thoughts xx
An update for those not on my facebook. The lumbar puncture results came back and he got the all clear!!
So relieved. They don't know what caused the rash or soft spot bulging but think it's just a bad viral infection that knocke him coz he's so small! Were home now and just to watch his temp and keep an eye on drinking as still limited and still has diarrhoea. But looking much better than he was.
As soon as I got in the car I just burst out crying. I had been holding it together and could finally let go.
Thanks for your responses.
Now just praying for rosies mum and Matt to make the same good recovery.
Bless him. I've seen it. It's awful.
Love and kisses to them xx
I'm glad the results came back clear and you all got home!
I'm so pleased he got the all clear! Well done for being so vigilant, Cian is obviously very strong, but also very lucky to have such a good Mummy xxx
So pleased that little Cian is ok, what a scare for you, hope he recovers from whatever it was and your home soon X
how awful for you, hope the little man is fully on the mend now and you are also feeling ok.Must have shaken you so much. xx
thanks for your replies. Yeah I was really shaken up. Started back at placement today and think I found today the hardest leaving him because of last week.
hes pretty much better, but still not entirely himself, but hopefully will be there soon.
thanks for all your support xx
Only just seen this! How scary and worrying for you. Glad your LO is ok and on the mend though, best you can hope for honey. Big relief. Xx

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