Awaiting Father out of his depth!


New Member
Jul 1, 2010
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I'm trying to take the weight of my Girlfriends shoulders (she has enough to worry about as I'm sure you all know)
Anyway I have put myself in charge of Buying all the 'big' items, so in this case out pushchair.

This is the first time I have ever looked at anything like this and am completely out of my depth, i have no idea where to start or what I'm looking for.

If anyone has the time to spare just to run through a few things about what I need, how much I should be looking to pay and if there is any products or brand that you recommend, then I would very much appreciate it.
It really depends on your lifestyle as to what pushchair to buy. Do you use public transport alot? Do you go for country walks often? Will you be using it mostly on pavement and shops? Do you gave a large car boot? My advice is to go to several shops like mothercare, mamas and papas and toys r us and have a play with the prams. Don't be afraid to ask them if you can try putting the pram in the boot of your car to check it fits. People have widely differing opinions on prams so it's hard to get impartial advice. If you write down your lifestyle and what you'll mostly be using the pram for and then take that information with you when you go looking the shop assistants should be able to demonstrate some of the most suitable prams for you. Good luck
Mothercare would be a good place to start to can try to push the pram, they will show you how it collapses etc. It all depends on your lifestyle and how much you'll be using it :)
We just went to a shop and basically said we havent got a clue what we're looking for and they took us through the different features etc...

Something to ask your girlfriend is if she wants one which can turn to have the baby facing her and facing forward.

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