Avent Bottles ... Good or Bad??


Well-Known Member
Dec 28, 2005
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I have been hearing recently that Avent bottle have gone down hill, my mum has a few friends with babies and they all have been saying that there avent bottles have started leaking and sometimes even the tops have popped off?! Anyone had this happen?

I have been advised to buy Dr Browns bottles!

Keely xxxxxx
I use avent bottles and have had no probs with them at all but only use them occasionally as am breastfeeding so not sure if it is different if you use them every day??

I used Avent bottles for both my girls and after a few months i found that the milk started leaking from round the screw cap,sometimes soaking them!! so i will be looking for another brand this time round i think :(

Any suggestions? xx
Dr Brown bottles are good and anti colic, no problems with them, as long as you unscrew the lid to heat them up else the air release system gets milk in it. They are pricey at £5/£6 a bottle, but worth every single penny.

mine have leaked a few times where the hole is to let air out. they don't do it all the time though which is strange. apart from that they are good - she hasn't been too winding since we started using them.
Thanks girls.... yes I think I will go for the Dr Browns ..... start collecting them now then they will not break the bank. xxxxxxx
Glad you said the Kim!! I bought a Tommee Tippee steriliser and extra bottles last week, I was beginning to worry that I should have gone for the Dr Browns!!! :lol:
you are definetley right about the avent bottles, i had them with my son- 4 yrs ago, & after a few weeks they would leak round the neck & when i made them up & then shook them like you do, it would go everywhere.
i thought it was me never doing the bottles up properly! thought i was going mad!!

what do these dr browns bottles look like? when i had my daughter 9 yrs ago i used boots bottles, not sure what to get this time. :D
i have only used avent bottles with my daughter and have only recently as in the last few days started having problems with them leaking, i even had one crack yesterday when she threw it on the floor whilst we were out :shock:
Has anyone tried mam bottles. In mother and baby mag these were voted the best alongside avent. I used avent with Jess and will probably use them again. I did find slight leakage occasionally but sometimes I thought it was because the teat wasnt in flush.
The mam ones appealed to me because of the anti colic valve and because she had mam dummies and they were effective.
i cant say i have used the actual mam bottles but there have been times i have used the mam teats on the avent bottles (they are the same) and my DD prefered them
well my mate had twins 8 weeks ago today and her avent bottles are leaking terrible after just 8 weeks :shock: sometimes soaking the babies clothes :evil: ive told her to send avent an email complaining as she now has to go out and replace them all and as she has twins that means like 16 bottles :( i would be furious
im a bit worried now as ive bought all avent too think il buy a couple different ones when i go into town to put away in case and il definately be complaining if mine start to leak xxxxxxx
Charlotte wouldnt take Avent teats, so we were advised to get tommy tippee, but mothercare didnt have them, so we got mothercare own bottles and their othodontic teats. they are great cheap and no leaks!
i have had no problems with the avent bottles and teats,
i have also been using nuby teats with these bottles andhad no leaks
My SIL had Avent bottles but found they leaked after a while because they had melted slightly!
She now uses tommee tippee bottles and has nothing but good things to say about them.
I thought it was me going mad Abis bottles have started leaking either when i shake them or when she is feeding it happened earlier and i had to go and change her, i dont even use them that much as she is mainly breast fed.

I did buy some george ones when i was in the uk 3 quid for 2 and they are great.
Hi I live literally 4 miles form this place and can get all things discounted so let me know if you want and I will see what i can get it is usually around 25-30% off

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