

New Member
Oct 9, 2005
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Hi every-one my name is Lisa and am a new mum to the forum. I have a daughter who is six and a baby boy who is 12 weeks on wed. I need some advice on I think it`s colic. Tonight he has screamed for 5 hours and now I am a bit concerned. I have tried infacol, Dentinox, Avent bottles and today have been out and brought Dr Browns bottles. The bottles have stopped the sickness so that`s one good thing. Just wondered if any one has some advice please? :roll:
Hi hun - sorry i don't have any advice for you (useless ain't I) but I just wanted to welcome you to the forum and wish you all the best and hopr your little one perks up soon xx
Hi Megantilly,

Sorry to be responding late but what I know to work for colic besides rubbing the belly put the baby in an infant seat and place on top of the dryer..(with you standing there of course :? ) My sons stepbrother had SEVERE colic!!!! & his dr. told her to place him on top of dryer and boy she said it was a miracle worked like a charm and she had to do that off and on for almost a yr!!!!! Good Luck I know it can be hard dealing with colic!

xoxo Ree
Hi every-one thought I`d up date you all with what`s happening. The bottles have stopped the screaming and i have been feeding mackenzie sitting up. Went to the dr`s today and they think he has reflex i think that is how you spell it so now he is on baby gaviscon so will let you know what happens. Good job he`s a dreamboat!!! :D

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