Aunt to an Angel (long and upsetting)


Well-Known Member
Sep 3, 2006
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Hi, i am new to the forum, joined last week and hope you dont mind me posting on here. I have 2 daughters already so im not new to this but however, i have never been so nervous of every twinge, pain or tummy ache. You see, last april my sister went into labour at 20 weeks and her little girl Caitlyn was stillborn. Before this she had a misscarriage at 6 weeks but then had 2 healthy boys. In July this year after she had been through a very nervy pregnancy, we thought she was ok but at 24 weeks she went into labour again, i witnessed the birth of my beautiful niece Faye. She survived for 16 hours but sadly gave up her fight the next day due to a bleed on the brain. I held this tiny little cute person after she had died and thats something i'll never forget.

This is why im so nervous now, if she had 2 normal births, so have i, surely the same could happen to me, she has been given no reason for the deaths of her daughters.

I also feel so guilty, she knows how i feel as we are very close and she has also told me that she too feels guilty because she feels like she cant get excited for me. Of course she cant and this is something i totally respect and understand. Many people who i have told about the pregnancy have said "ahh well done, how has your sister taken it all, i bet shes devestated" and i think, yeh i feel really bad without you rubbing it in. When Faye died i said i would stop trying for a baby and she told me no way-not to be silly.

I suppose i just needed to get all this off my chest. Its been a terrible couple of years, in 2004 i split up with my husband and never thought i would get the chance to have another child, so now we are back together, this pregnancy is really important to me. In may this year my best friend of 21 years was murdered and i dont have her here to be happy for me. So many things have gone wrong im terrified its my turn to lose this baby. I wish i could sleep until that 12 week scan so i'll know if everything is ok.

Sorry to go on and on, but really needed to get that off my chest.

Thanks for listening

aww hun how horrible for you and your sister
I don't know what to say :hug:

but that is what we are all here for to listen to each others rants and ups and downs

welcome to the forum hun :hug:
Hi Claire

Gosh you and your sister have been through a lot. You must be very close, so you're lucky to have each other. I imagine it's only natural to worry, but you should try to be positive about your own pg, and enjoy it.

Good luck and hi :wave: welcome to the forum.

Pea x
You've had a really rough ride hun, unfortunatley whats happened to your sister can happen to anyone, there's no reason why it should happen to you cos it's happened to her, i have a friend who has lost 3 girls at about 20 weeks but carried her son fine, however she has just had a baby girl but she had to see a consultant every couple of weeks and had to have injections, they told her that she just couldn't carry girls, i'm not sure what the reason was though.

I know exactly how you feel as i have an incompetent cervix and they didn't think i would reach 20 weeks, i was worried sick and ended up not leaving the house as i was scared something would happen, i managed to carry until 35 weeks and Abi did well, my sil was pregnant the same time as me and i just kept thinking how would i cope if anything happened to Abi then her having baby so soon after.

It'll be hard for you and your sister but try and stay positive and keep your chin up x
Hi and welcome to the forum Claire. So sorry to here things haven't been good for you so far. My fingers are crossed for you and your pregnancy.

Welcome to the forum, when is you're scan hun? Fingers crossed for you, take care :hug:
Hi cassi,im still waiting to hear from the hospital to see when my scan is, p**sing me off waiting!!
aaawww Claire.. that touched me

I'm wishing you luck sweetie.. and a happy nine months..

give yourself and your sister a big fat juicy hug from me :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
Thanks for listening, just to update you, i have the date for my scan, a long 3 weeks away!!!! :( Typical with my 1st my scan was 11 weeks, my second was 10 weeks but this one will be spot on 12 weeks!!
in my family it was the opposite noone could carry and give birth to healthy boys, and those that were given birth to did not live past six months.

i am lucky, the first woman for 7 generations to have healthy boys that lived. i count my blessings everyday as i am sure that your sister does. :hug:
Hi hun welcome, what a time you've been through..its completely understandable that you are now worrying about your own pregnancy.

2 years ago at xmas my auntie who had carried her baby to full term with no probs went into labour at hospital they said baby is distressed and had to do an emergency c-section which they gave her a general anesthetic for.
when she woke up they said the baby had died due to a blood clot in the placenta..she was told this was something she had wrong with her blood and could be carried by female blood relatives..apparently its passed on by the males but affects the females in pregnancy due to extra volume of blood...anyway long story short when i found out i was pregnant it was at xmas and of course i felt awful telling my aunt and not only that but i had to go through numerous tests to check if i had this problem.

i was terrified..felt so bad for my auntie who was still raw from losing her baby..but everything has turned out fine and my auntie has taken to hayden..printing out his pic to show friends etc..
i just hope you can try to relax and enjoy your pregnancy and know that your sis has been through a terrible thing but that it seems she loves you and it wouldnt stand in the way of her being happy for you.

:hug: good luck with your scan btw!

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