August mummies :)

My scan was amazing ladies.

Baby was so not playing ball so I had to go for a long walk then had to lay on the bed shaking my hips like ‘Shakira’ - the sonographers words! Haha

I’m so in love <3 xx

Ah amazing news! So glad everything went so great! It’s so lovely seeing them and knowing they’re in there growing like they should be.
Awwww so happy you had a good scan.. Did you get any pictures away with you? Haha Shakira. Its so funny when you have to do that. Xxx
So glad your scan went well :) mel :)

And that’s good jade, hopefully the spotting stops and al will be fine after some rest.

Hope your all well xxx
My scan was amazing ladies.

Baby was so not playing ball so I had to go for a long walk then had to lay on the bed shaking my hips like ‘Shakira’ - the sonographers words! Haha

I’m so in love <3 xx
so glad your scan went well!! did they update your due date?
Are we all in Tri2 now? and no spotting today at all so the rest was needed :) feeling happier today just abit groggy
Awww we how cute is your son holding the scan pics... . He looks as proud as punch. Awww love his top too. Congrats <3 xxx
Aw that’s a gorgeous photo!

I’ll get round to taking one of my daughter and her babies, she was so excited when I told her.

I’ve come down with a bad cold so am feeling even more awful than usual. Got my duvet on the couch and trying to make it until bedtime.
Aw that’s a gorgeous photo!

I’ll get round to taking one of my daughter and her babies, she was so excited when I told her.

I’ve come down with a bad cold so am feeling even more awful than usual. Got my duvet on the couch and trying to make it until bedtime.
Awww so sorry to hear that... Good you are on the sofa. You need to try keep strength up with 2 wee cuties stealing your energy xxx
Such bad timing and just my luck!
Some paracetamol made me feel a bit better so will see how it goes.
So happy to see all the good news from everyone’s scans and twins! So lovely ! I was readmitted to hospital again from Monday and just came out yesterday, luckily all is ok but felt quite weak. Feeling better now though. Nearly the 2nd trimester!
This is the report

Trisomy 18 Screen
Risk Ratio 1

Trisomy 18 Screen
Risk Ratio 1

The chance of Down's, Edwards' or Patau's Syndrome (assessed by a combination

of nuchal translucency, maternal age and serum biochemistry) is low (less than
1 in 250).

Maternal Serum Biochemistry:

Sample taken on 27.01.2020 (11W + 6D). Analytic platform: Delfia Xpress


Free beta hCG: 54.770 IU/l equiv. to 1.2207 MoM adjusted by

factor 1.18000.

PAPP-A: 2.370 IU/l equiv. to 1.1757 MoM adjusted by factor


Estimated Risk for Aneuploidies:
Trisomy 21 Trisomy 13/18

Background risk: 1: 66 1: 550

Adjusted risk: 1: 1328 1: 11004

can anyone share with me what their risk results were from NHS 13/18/21 chromosomes were ?

I’m getting really stressed and had to cancel the harmony one as I was in hospital. Pls let me know would appreciate it x
can anyone share with me what their risk results were from NHS 13/18/21 chromosomes were ?

I’m getting really stressed and had to cancel the harmony one as I was in hospital. Pls let me know would appreciate it x

I didn’t get to have the blood test screening, just the NT scan and haven’t had results back yet.

All of yours look to be low though? I think high risk would be anything lower than 1 in 250? Although I’m not entirely sure maybe worth phoning up your midwife to clarify?
can anyone share with me what their risk results were from NHS 13/18/21 chromosomes were ?

I’m getting really stressed and had to cancel the harmony one as I was in hospital. Pls let me know would appreciate it x
I am unsure the ins and outs of all the tests too. We don't get all out in letter or anything we only hear if high risk but I asked consultant as didn't want to keep wondering, I was 1:1495 I think and was told that was excellent and no worry for my age etc.. I agree with @mummybear2 and maybe phone midwife to ask as they would be able to help with it or next time you at at hospital or doctors, take your details with you. Hope you are okay xxx
I am unsure the ins and outs of all the tests too. We don't get all out in letter or anything we only hear if high risk but I asked consultant as didn't want to keep wondering, I was 1:1495 I think and was told that was excellent and no worry for my age etc.. I agree with @mummybear2 and maybe phone midwife to ask as they would be able to help with it or next time you at at hospital or doctors, take your details with you. Hope you are okay xxx
I did call the midwife and they couldn’t really explain. I a friend of a friend who works in a genetics lab and they went through all with me, she said it’s actually ok. Ideal result is 1:10,000 but the risk factor of age when you’re over 35 will always bring the result right down, and advised that’s where harmony is much more accurate as it only focuses on DNA taken in the blood. But said my result is nothing to worry about and also mentioned I can have the harmony test any where up to birth. My other results for 13/18 were excellent with a risk of 1:11,000 or something. So I will stop panicking now... she also told me the NHS will be moving over to harmony tests maybe next year as it is actually a more cost effective test in the long run as current testing can give lots of false and alarming readings...
I did call the midwife and they couldn’t really explain. I a friend of a friend who works in a genetics lab and they went through all with me, she said it’s actually ok. Ideal result is 1:10,000 but the risk factor of age when you’re over 35 will always bring the result right down, and advised that’s where harmony is much more accurate as it only focuses on DNA taken in the blood. But said my result is nothing to worry about and also mentioned I can have the harmony test any where up to birth. My other results for 13/18 were excellent with a risk of 1:11,000 or something. So I will stop panicking now... she also told me the NHS will be moving over to harmony tests maybe next year as it is actually a more cost effective test in the long run as current testing can give lots of false and alarming readings...
That's brilliant you got the answer you needed. I didn't have a clue but midwife said with my blood and scan that I had nothing to worry about so didn't bother looking more into results I knew it wouldn't bethe best result but with age and problems previous I was happy enough to take her advice xxx
I think your results are perfectly fine @Leila

I had the call today after our screening done at the 12 week scan and I got the result of 1 in 149 which for my area is classed as high risk.

We’ve already had the Harmony test done (did it backwards) as knew I’d be high risk, which obviously has comeback as perfectly fine with a 1 in 1,000,000.

Please try not to worry.
Why were you in hospital? Hope you’re ok? xx
I think your results are perfectly fine @Leila

I had the call today after our screening done at the 12 week scan and I got the result of 1 in 149 which for my area is classed as high risk.

We’ve already had the Harmony test done (did it backwards) as knew I’d be high risk, which obviously has comeback as perfectly fine with a 1 in 1,000,000.

Please try not to worry.
Why were you in hospital? Hope you’re ok? xx
Yes I will still think about the harmony test but need to get my strength back first. Glad your harmony result was good :). I think will be much better once the NHS swap over to that method of testing it makes much more sense.

I have been unable to eat, completely lost my appetite, when I do eat I get really terrible acid reflux and it caused quite a lot of pain, as I wasn’t eating much I had Keytones in my urine so I had to be put on IV fluids and given anti acid medication. Which doesn’t seem to work when taken orally. Just hope it goes away as it’s very uncomfortable. And it’s not a pregnancy symptom it is because I caught a bug over Christmas .... : | - that is taking longer heal due to pregnancy ... so hopefully all is better now

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