attitudes at work


Well-Known Member
May 19, 2005
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Has anyone else found that since they found out they were pregnant there has been bitching aimed at them. Where I work there is a couple of girls who don't do anything when the managers not around but when she's there they do there best to get everything done right.

I'm alsom being made to feel like I can't do anything right and just that comments are being said about me behind my back all the time. It making me stressed and upset.I was cring all last weds so DH old me to go to the doctors who has signed me off for a bad back as where im on my feet all day it really aches,I also explained about the stress and he said that if it doesnt get better then to go back and see him.

I really dont want to go back. This is worrying me as I dont know how it'll be if I do. I also start to feel guilty like im letting them down by not being there.What would you do in my situation??Please help.


If I was in your place, i would have a word with the ones giving you crap, and ask what their problem is with you? If you enjoy your job and want to stay then enjoy being pg and ignore the other half wits you work with!

i know its not always that easy and when pg you get more upset anyway but you shouldnt have to take any bitching from anyone and i would tell them that to be honest!!!

I really hope you work out the situation and good luck with your little one when born :D

Natalie x
one reason im scared of getting pregnant is because a women i work with is trying for a baby and has been unsucesfull! shes always moody and bitchy at people she doesnt like one of them is me. I love my job and would like to stay as long as possible dureing my pregnancy but im pretty sure that when my team at work know im going to get some stick about it!

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