At my wits end with hubby...what shall I do??

Just soooo exhausting being clothes fitting...hubby not seeming interested...feelin lonley n thats jyst in one
Cheers ppl x
glad your feeling better :) Just tell him to humour you :) Your his crazy pregnant OH and its his job to humour you!
GregorysGirl, I know exactly how you feel.
Ever since we found out we are having a girl my fiance isnt interested, he keeps making comments to friends about how hes going to swap her for a boy, he has made no effort in decorating her nursery, I think he has bought about 6 things for her, I have had to buy everything else including 2x prams, cot, moses basket etc. He also has a really annoying habit of poking me to annoy her and wake her up when she is asleep, he finds it funny ( he torments my cat and dog too) so I poked him really hard with a pen the other day so it hurt and I think he got the message!

He isnt interested in making the house nice ( ok its a working farm so never going to be spotless ) or making it feel like a home, he just wants to sit in the living room on his days off and watch dvds in the dark all day, the living room didnt even have curtains that could be opened, he had screwed carpet over the windows to keep all the light out!!! I have taken it all down and put curtains up.

Ive tried talking to him but he is much more interested in watching programmes like family guy, the big bang and the simpsons and quite often find my self talking to the wall.
Im glad you had a good chat hun xxx
I know where ur coming from. OH is doing things for babys arrival but he actually gets freaked out by my stomach moving and kicks so he wont rally feel it. If I ask him to he will but once it gives a kick he pulls away and gets all squemish.
I think the difference is the minute we find out we are pregnant, we become mothers. For blokes, they become dads when the baby is here.
i think i agree with jomc - we are mothers straight away... for the longest time i would talk about Crumpet and what he done how big he kicked and poked and the feeling i get. but Andrew just seemed distant. I tell him all the good bit aswel as the gory bits like leaky boobs and how i was out walking the dog and though my water had trickled.. how wrong was i when i realised baby had just pushed down and made me dribble... sexy eh? haha but i tell him because i know he is interested he just doesnt know how to express his feelings about anything. i have choose pretty much everything for Crumpet and Andrew doesnt mind nor care so since that was how i percieved his opinion i though fine... im not fussing about whether its something he liked or not and at the end of the day if he was to see something he liked he can buy it himself.

I only realised he payed more attention than i thought when we attempted a romantic bath... not romantic at all when its squishy lol but he asked me if i was scared and i said no. i asked if he was and he said he never was before because it was always ages away but now its 5weeks and he hasnt a clue how to hold feed or change a baby. i told him all he needs to do is want to be able to do it and ill teach him.

I have also caught him several times hold my belly and talk to Crumpet when he think im asleep. i honestly think men just feel silly about the stuff we dont. I read a book to Crumpet every night but Andrew has only done it once and its because he feel silly because he is still in the tummy.

Im quite excited and curious as to how much interest he will show once Crumpet arrives :-)

Hope your feeling loads better after your chat

and sorry for the ramblings xx
My hubby was a bit like this until I had a big bump and then he started to take a bit more interest, although he was still squeamish about stuff! I have to say though since Kynon arrived he's been the proud doting dad and helps with everything, he loves it and wants more babies straight away! So try not to worry most men come round when they can actually hold their baby!
i had to go to hospital to be checked last night as thought water had gone, my OH came along but didnt seem interested at all, i had to havebaby monitored on heart thing x then had internal, i came out quite worried that when it actually happens he will be bored x x he is usually good and supportive x x maybe it hasnt hit him yet x it better soon or i bloody might lol
Suzzi, he may be bored when you are having contractions. Both mine lasted over 24 hours worth of contractions, butthen again so was i lol. He wont have time to be bored when you are crushing his hand/he is mopping your brow xx

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