GregorysGirl, I know exactly how you feel.
Ever since we found out we are having a girl my fiance isnt interested, he keeps making comments to friends about how hes going to swap her for a boy, he has made no effort in decorating her nursery, I think he has bought about 6 things for her, I have had to buy everything else including 2x prams, cot, moses basket etc. He also has a really annoying habit of poking me to annoy her and wake her up when she is asleep, he finds it funny ( he torments my cat and dog too) so I poked him really hard with a pen the other day so it hurt and I think he got the message!
He isnt interested in making the house nice ( ok its a working farm so never going to be spotless ) or making it feel like a home, he just wants to sit in the living room on his days off and watch dvds in the dark all day, the living room didnt even have curtains that could be opened, he had screwed carpet over the windows to keep all the light out!!! I have taken it all down and put curtains up.
Ive tried talking to him but he is much more interested in watching programmes like family guy, the big bang and the simpsons and quite often find my self talking to the wall.