at another stage of greiving...


Well-Known Member
Jul 6, 2006
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Hiya everyone,

I was told last week that i will be being induced with this baby on October 9th. I am over the moon to be so close to meeting my little boy, and i do feel confident that he will be ok, but it has started me off on a new stage of greiving for Kyler. I have found a poem. I wanted to share it with you all. I feel it explains well my feelings at the moment.

A different child
People notice
Theres a special glow around you
You grow
Surrounded by love
Never doubting YOU are wanted
Look at the pride and joy in your mother and fathers eyes
And if sometimes
Between the smiles
Theres a trace of tears
One day
You will understand.
You will understand
There was once another child
A different child
Who was their hopes and dreams
One who will never outgrow the baby clothes
Who will not keep them up at night
Nor ever be any trouble at all
Except sometimes
In a silent moment
When Mummy and Daddy miss so much
That different child
May love and hope wrap you warmly
May you learn the lesson forever.,
How infinitely fragile,
How precious
This life on earth.
One day you will grow, you may see another mothers tears,
A fathers silent grief.
You will offer the greatest comfort
And tell them with compassion
I am only here
Because my mother tried again

Love ali xxx
thats so nice :angel:

bless Kyler im sure he is so proud x x
Oh Alison - that is sooooo beautiful!

Kyler will be proud of the strength you show, and the love you provide every day. I am sat here in tears because that poem is so touching, and will help not only yourself but others who are greiving today.

:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
That is so beautiful. I have no words to express how I feel but hope this will do instead....................

:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
that is lovely hun, you're little angel will love it :) :hug: :hug:

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