I don't even know if this is the place to put this, or even if I have any right at all to feel this way.
But for the past 11 months, I just feel like I've lost all sense of myself. I am a mother to a gorgeous girl and I love her with all my heart, but I so miss being a working girl. At the time, when I was working, I hated it.. couldn't wait to finish up and be a SAHM, but somedays, I just wish I had the worries of a job rather than the worries of a baby. I don't mean, I don't want my baby, but I'd just like to be responsible for something else again. This isn't coming across right at all. Im so crap at writing on here.
My OH is working full time. He does have all the money worries I know. but he actually does less now than he did before I stopped working. For instance, now it is expected that I do ALL housework, cooking, cleaning and clothes washing. He actually doesn't do anything in that respect. I bath, feed, play with baby as well.. the only free time I get is when he comes in from work and plays with Livvy... I have to use this time to make our dinner and do anything I couldn't do during the day. I then have to bath, book, bottle and bed Livvy.
I know, being a SAHM to most people sounds like the easiest job in the world. But I feel like Im making a mountain out of a molehill.. making it sound harder than it is. But it just wears me down.
I actually don't get a break, but then I don't feel like I deserve one.. because that would be asking too much of my OH.
Oh I don't know, perhaps I just needed to write it down.
Does anyone else feel this way? I just really miss my independence and feeling like I've earned a holiday.
Am I being selfish? I do love my OH and think the world of him, so i don't want it to sound like Im putting him down.
not sure really what else to say.
Thank you for reading....
Angela xxx
But for the past 11 months, I just feel like I've lost all sense of myself. I am a mother to a gorgeous girl and I love her with all my heart, but I so miss being a working girl. At the time, when I was working, I hated it.. couldn't wait to finish up and be a SAHM, but somedays, I just wish I had the worries of a job rather than the worries of a baby. I don't mean, I don't want my baby, but I'd just like to be responsible for something else again. This isn't coming across right at all. Im so crap at writing on here.
My OH is working full time. He does have all the money worries I know. but he actually does less now than he did before I stopped working. For instance, now it is expected that I do ALL housework, cooking, cleaning and clothes washing. He actually doesn't do anything in that respect. I bath, feed, play with baby as well.. the only free time I get is when he comes in from work and plays with Livvy... I have to use this time to make our dinner and do anything I couldn't do during the day. I then have to bath, book, bottle and bed Livvy.
I know, being a SAHM to most people sounds like the easiest job in the world. But I feel like Im making a mountain out of a molehill.. making it sound harder than it is. But it just wears me down.
I actually don't get a break, but then I don't feel like I deserve one.. because that would be asking too much of my OH.
Oh I don't know, perhaps I just needed to write it down.
Does anyone else feel this way? I just really miss my independence and feeling like I've earned a holiday.
Am I being selfish? I do love my OH and think the world of him, so i don't want it to sound like Im putting him down.
not sure really what else to say.
Thank you for reading....
Angela xxx