Aspardame update - good news for all fizzy drink lovers!


Well-Known Member
May 12, 2011
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Hi girls, have done some research and found the following information on the internet:

"The low-calorie sweetening agent, aspartame, is broken down in the small intestine into three moieties: aspartic acid, methanol and phenylalanine. Acute loading studies have been performed in human beings who received up to six times the 99th percentile of the projected daily intake (6 X 34 = 200 mg/kg). No evidence of risk to the fetus was developed. Aspartate does not readily cross the placenta. Small elevations of blood methanol following such abuse doses of aspartame did not lead to measurable increases of blood formic acid, which is the product responsible for the acidosis and ocular toxicity in methanol poisoning. Phenylalanine is concentrated on the fetal side of the placenta. Aspartame in abuse doses up to 200 mg/kg in normal subjects, or to 100 mg/kg in PKU heterozygotes, did not raise blood phenylalanine levels to the range generally accepted to be associated with mental ******ation in the offspring. It is concluded that, under foreseeable conditions of use, aspartame poses no risk for use in pregnancy." (

"According to the Food and Drug Administration(FDA), Aspartame is safe for use during pregnancy and lactation." (American Pregnancy Association)

"Studies evaluating the estrogenic potential of aspartame have consistently been negative. Therefore, aspartame is considered to have no reproductive or teratogenic activity, and no effect on lactation." (UK Food Standards Agency)

I for one shall be enjoying my bitter lemon (light, and therefore with aspartane) without a guilty conscience from now on! :)
Thanks for the info

Dont think i'll be taking the risk though -

The major concerns about pregnant women ingesting aspartame during pregnancy arebirth defects and damage to certain areas of the brain. This potential brain damage includes the parts of the brain involved in complex learning and hormone control.

Aspartame and Pregnancy
Firstly, let us have a look at the different allegations made by people and researchers about the usage and side effects of aspartame. When consumed, aspartame breaks down to methanol, phenylalanine and aspartic acid. These components or chemicals are believed to increase the risk for possible birth defects, specially in the brain development. Secondly, there have also been claims that aspartame increases the risk of development of several cancers in people

Pregnant Women Should Not Eat Or Drink Any Type Of Artificial Sweeteners Of Any Type
Artificial sweeteners are highly composed of chemicals. The fetus always eats and absorbs what the mother consumes. Diet drinks are not recommended during pregnancy. These drinks contain aspartame.
It is highly recommended that pregnant women avoid aspartame products during pregnancy due to increased levels of phenylalanine on the fetal side of the placenta. And also increased levels of phenylalanine may interfere with the growth of the fetus brain.

I have had occasional can of diet coke and think its fine as long as you dont indulge in it.
Thanks for the info. I'm going with its ok in moderation. It seems really difficult to avoid it because its in so much stuff. I was asking a girl at work today who was a medical student and she reassured me a bit. I was annoyed about not knowing about it because it doesn't mention it in any of my pregnancy books, including the NHS one I was given. The joys!

I have had occasional can of diet coke and think its fine as long as you dont indulge in it.

Cant imagine the occasional can would do any harm

I think I have actually gone off fizzy drinks since I got PG, was thirsty from day 1 and drinking lots of water or milk.

But my GP said to have a glass of tonic water every day, it might help with leg cramps, I actually like tonic
Thanks for the info. I'm going with its ok in moderation. It seems really difficult to avoid it because its in so much stuff. I was asking a girl at work today who was a medical student and she reassured me a bit. I was annoyed about not knowing about it because it doesn't mention it in any of my pregnancy books, including the NHS one I was given. The joys!


Yeah it is in alot of things. And its one of those "hidden" things.

As with so many things in pregnancy, there's different views on the subject. Its everyone's personal decision.

I try to avoid fizzy generally but have the occasional 7 up or tango very rarely hopefully ok! So many things we can't do or have pfft! X
:wall2: I give up! How can we know what to believe when one website says one thing & then another says the complete opposite :eh:
Seriously ladies avoid it like the plague.........

As I've said I'm dreadfully allergic to it anyway and it envokes a Lupus flare up should I have it too.

This reaction involves swelling of the throat/face, breathing difficulties and skin rashes.

Lupus makes the bodies immune system attack itself so when the above occurs I can suffer damage to any organ including brain.

I have done many hours of research into Aspartame, indeed Lupus UK have also looked into it. I actually blame Aspartame partly for my mother forced us to drink 'One Cal' drinks which was loaded with the stuff. I beleive my reactions came on gradually over a period of two years to a point that my body could not longer cope with it.

There are plenty of fizzy drinks available without the stuff in it.
Thanks Cazza, the only thing is, when I drink say Sprite rather than Sprite Zero, I could heave! All I can taste is sugar!! I am going to have to spend a while looking at drinks in the supermarket to see what doesn't contain it :(
Ok, help! What hasn't got it and what can I drink? This is bad, but I hate water! So I really need some help here. I've been avoiding caffeine by drinking caffeine free diet coke, but obviously that's no good! Plus I have sweetner in my tea to avoid sugar :roll:

I had 7up today and that appeared to have no caffeine or the aspertame?

Thanks in advance :)

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I hate water too, unfortunately it is all I can drink in general as I am very allergic to aspertame and lactose intolerant. I have never enjoyed drinking water but it is something I have had to force myself to do for my own health.
I hate plain tap water, makes me heave, but love sparkling water!!

I just buy the cheap Tesco/Lidl own and add High Juice Squash to them. I like my squash fairly weak anyway so the fact that it is sugar in their isn't so bad!!

Today I have discovered my own 7up cocktail!!!! I tried it and gagged as it was so sweet, so then I added sparkly water to it..............hey presto a weaker less sugary version but with that lemony lime kick!!
aspartamine is literally evil. I put as little of it as possible in my body regardless of being pregnant or not.
:wall2: I give up! How can we know what to believe when one website says one thing & then another says the complete opposite :eh:

It is frustrating, I agree. Personally, I have decided to go with the sources that seem most "official" and reliable. At the end of the day, like so many things, we all have to decide this for ourselves.
There's a lot of things we're told not to have in pregnancy. What people don't realise is half of this stuff is not recommended to any human being, despite being pregnant or not. But because pregnant women are prone to diseases and such, we're told not to drink/eat certain stuff.

And most of us probably didn't even think nor care about what we ate before we were pregnant.
Take the egg for example. Every human being should be careful when cooking eggs, undercooked egg is a no no. Yet a lot of people think this is just a rule for pregnant women, that's not the case at all.

Artificial sweeteners and all that jazz are obviously unhealthy for us anyway. That's common sense.
So I think that the website Susanne posted is pointing out that it will not damage your child. Where as the other websites are saying, "This stuff is bad for you, don't eat it or drink it because you are pregnant, it's bad for you". We know this stuff is bad for us, we're not stupid. We also know undercooked meat is bad for us. Again, it's common sense.

Another thing.. Websites say different things because different countries have different views. One country might say a certain something will harm your unborn baby, where as another country will say that it's fine and will not harm your baby. Even midwives up and down the country have different views.

Like Susanne has said, It's entirely up to you. I know women that have ate blue cheese when pregnant, and women that have ate deli meat, and they all had perfectly healthy babies. Some women think it's all nonsense, others are really concerned and avoid these foods/drinks no matter what. I won't be eating blue cheese or deli meat though :lol: xxx
This thread reminds me of another thread about people smoking then holding baby (not about pregnant people smoking) and its same as it usually is with this type of thing, everyone is different with what they will allow/not allow. The people who have to decide wether to let parents ect smoke then hold baby, is the same dramas people need to go through with loads of other things like eating eggs, consuming fatty foods, being overweight, taking certain medications ect ect ect. It could go on forever. There is endless arguments that could be started, and end up going no-where. We all have to make up our own decisions. Unfortunately its not always the case that the "official" websites are correct.

When I go to the other thread and people are saying, they dont let their babies be held by people who have smoked that day or whatever, I totally respect their decision but I think to myself, how many of these people drink diet drinks (with aspartame which can induce tumours) or eat excessive junk food while pregnant which is equally, if not worse for baby than someone holding it who'd had a smoke an hour previous. I know i'm giving rough examples here but, the point im trying to make is - We need to be as clued up as possible on everything, rather than just having an attitude that only smoking and drinking is bad for baby, also other things like diet drinks/fatty foods ect are equally as bad. Theres no point in unborn child is fine as I dont drink/smoke, those 2 things are not the be all and end all of pregnancy. If we're going to get ourselves (not me but others) into a state about someone holding a baby after smoking, but not really care if we're drinking toxins then there really is a problem somewhere down the line. Does that make sense?


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