Asking For I.D


Well-Known Member
Jun 16, 2005
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Ladies am i the only one who this happens to im 25 26 in dec and im forever getting asked last night was one instant i went into the corner shop to buy some fags for the o/h and the girl behind the counter (obv looks under 21) ask's me for ID well i dont make a habbit of carrying my passport about as its the only form i have so i got a bit infurriated with her and told her where to shove it :oops: The o/h tells me i should take it as a compliment but i find it really annoying at times am i the only one? :)
It used to happen to me all the time but alas no more :(

Turning 30 and becoming a mother are to blame.

These sleepless nights are so ageing..... :wink:
Lol minxy im heading that way!!! I was even shocked to fin the other day i had some grey hairs :shock: Typical me being me nearly cried like a baby i thought i was definately getting older then! :rotfl:
it happeneds to me all the time. Im 24.
I got ID'ed when buying ciggys a few years back. (when i was about 21-22) so they must have thought i looked 15 ffs!!!
Yep, I always get asked for I.D! I'm 28 in June and I have even been asked when I have the 3 kids with me.
I drove into a garage on my own, in my own car, filled up with fuel.....went into the garage to pay and the guy behind the counters exact words were "You need to get your Mummy or your Daddy to come in and pay we aren't allowed to sell fuel to under 16s"
So I laughed coz I thought he was just taking the pish and said I'm 20 and he said "No your not" and I got my driving license out gave him the money and he just looked at it and just went red and said bye! Thats happened about 4times!
I never ever get ided. I never even got ided when I was underage. I just look old i guess. It's annoying actually I kinda wish I was ided once in a while.
it is annoying hun i know im asked all the time since i had my hair cut short but before that i was never asked couldnt believe a hair cut can change everything. :D
ive got ID'ed WELL more times sinse turning 18. at 15-16 i was 'nightclubbing' VEERY week without ever thinking 'what if i dont get in' i was a cocky sod. lmao. Been much more of a problem sinse coming of age strange enough hahaha.
I got ID'd buying a 16 certificate computer game last year! I'm 23 and ALWAYS get ID'd for lottery, fags & alcohol. It used to bother me but I always have my driving license on me and the person asking is always more embarrassed once they realise how old I am!
Iget asked ID for everything still am im 24 (25 in july), even when i go out with my mates who are younger than me, they get in without getting asked and i always get asked
sorry forgot to mention a couple of weeks ago i got ask ID to buy a scratch card!!! :?
rachelandjarvis said:
ive got ID'ed WELL more times sinse turning 18. at 15-16 i was 'nightclubbing' VEERY week without ever thinking 'what if i dont get in' i was a cocky sod. lmao. Been much more of a problem sinse coming of age strange enough hahaha.

Same her! I was going out clubbing from 15 and never once got asked for I.D till I was about 19. It seem the older I get the younger I look. Give me a few more years and I look like a wrinkled up 12 year old :rotfl:
i hate it!!! i'm always getting asked for I.D. and im nearly 21!!! ok, i do look younger but wouldnt say MUCH younger - but i went to asda a few weeks back and goit asked for I.D...........for the lottery!!!!!!!! :oops: :rotfl:
I get asked more for ID now I am over age which is strange. But as I work as a cashier I know how hard it is to judge people's ages and they crack down so hard on it these days. I don't want a criminal record so if I'm not 100% sure I will ask for ID. I'm usually pretty god, most people are under 21 who I ask which is our policy anyway and they always have ID and most of them have it out ready :lol: I think I have had about 2 people who have been older than I thought. One woman looked so young and she was 30, I hope I look that good at 30!
Generaly now ive got intot he habit of getting my I.D out and saying to the checkout person or whoever else and sayin "Before you even ask here's my ID" as it gets annoying and embarrasing esp if there is a que of people behind you :lol:
I never used to get ID's until i was about 17, i was buying alcohol in my school uniform at 14/15 and going in to clubs and pubs everyweek.
Now i get ID'd everywhere, though i havnt tried since becoming pregnant so i may try it and see what happens.
Having said that i am still only a baby, they say they ID if you look under 21, so maybe i look my age lol
I don't get ID'ed much at all anymore. If I do it's usually cos I'm with OH and he's only 5'4" and has quite a young face :D I was once ID'ed going into some club in chester and I didn't have any on me, so they just asked me my date of birth and then let me in anyway even though I could have been lying lol
Im 26 this year and still get ID'd...well when Im not preggo. I love it, especially their faces when I say Im 25 :lol: I dont smoke anymore but gettig ID'd for fags was the best, Im 25 and I look 15 :cheer: I did get asked if I wanted a child ticket a few weeks ago too 8) If I still look this young when Im 40 I'll be laughing!!

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