arguing over who stays at home with the baby

mrs h

Well-Known Member
Aug 31, 2006
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Hi has anyone else had trouble deciding who will stay at home with the baby?
My husband and i both want to stay at home and look after the baby.I have wanted to stay at home ever since i found out i was pregnant as i dont want to miss a thing while our son is growing up.My husband says we have to decide who is staying at home yet we just end up arguing discussing it as i think he thinks it will be easy at home as he isnt the best at housework now so i dont want to work full time and come home to a mess.Money wise we cant both afford to give up work and it makes no difference in money terms who gives up work as we are on similar wages.How are we going to decide?
Look I'm all for equal rights and so forth but you have to be kidding me right???? :shock:
So what your saying is you are the one who goes through this pregnancy probably while working, you are the one who copes with the labour and the healing after, you are the one who will breastfeed and then after all that your hubby is gonna send you packing off back to work without reaping all the rewards of your hard work :shock:

I'm stunned to be honest, can't believe he's even got the cheek to ask, personally I'd be asking Budge for the wet tuna fish she hit me with earlier!

Sorry but I feel strongly about this :evil:
I know but he is saying he doesnt want to miss out on anything as well.What makes it worse i am giving up work at 35 weeks and can only afford for me to have 3 months mat leave if i am the one going back to work so will only have 2 months with the baby before i go back to work and i wanted to breastfeed for 6 months but will be impossible once i return to work due to long hours etc.I just cant see how we are going to solve this.
I'm all for house husbands if everyone is happy but no way would I go back to work!!!!!! Of course it is "our" baby but I am her Mum that carried her, gained the weight, puked everyday for 4 months, gets kicked in the ribs and will hopefully be breastfeeding so at the end of the day it will be my decision!!!!

I am sure he will realise its best for baby that you stay at home and breastfeed. Do you know anyone with a baby? Perhaps spend some time with them and he will see what hard work it is!
Miracle babe said:
Look I'm all for equal rights and so forth but you have to be kidding me right???? :shock:
So what your saying is you are the one who goes through this pregnancy probably while working, you are the one who copes with the labour and the healing after, you are the one who will breastfeed and then after all that your hubby is gonna send you packing off back to work without reaping all the rewards of your hard work :shock:

I'm stunned to be honest, can't believe he's even got the cheek to ask, personally I'd be asking Budge for the wet tuna fish she hit me with earlier!

Sorry but I feel strongly about this :evil:

you took the words right out of my mouth miracle babe!
Mrs H id be issuing divorce papers if my hubby wanted to stay at home with the baby. id also be strongly wondering about his mental health too :rotfl:

Slap him with the tuna.
My oh wants to stay at home with the kids, and iam going to let him why not :D

they are his kids aswell i dont belive it should just be up to the mother to bring the kids up
well i suppose if you're happy with it why not. but personally ive never heard of a man wanting to stay home with the kids :shock:

its this new man thing. im not up on it at all. :think: i like a man to be a man and get out the house all day then come home and do some handy man work then go to bed.
Well thank god for that I thought I was over reacting.

Personally can't believe there is even a decision to make :roll: Can I borrow your tuna Budge so I can smack him too.

Tell you what have a competition.......first one of the two of you to produce breastmilk gets to stay at home :D
sophie27 said:
My oh wants to stay at home with the kids, and iam going to let him why not :D

they are his kids aswell i dont belive it should just be up to the mother to bring the kids up

Thats fair enough as its what you want to do but Mrs H doesn't want to go back!
I think its great more men want to stay at home, i think there are too many people ot there think its the womans job yes i know we go through everything the labour etc but i say bring it on more men should do it :eek:

im not sure how long he will last but i will certanily let him try :)
men should go to work and earn money though not sit at home changing nappies :shock: Im dead old fashioned i am :rotfl:
:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:

hhhmmm budge so what wrong with a woman going out and doing that???
sophie27 said:
I think its great more men want to stay at home, i think there are too many people ot there think its the womans job yes i know we go through everything the labour etc but i say bring it on more men should do it :eek:

im not sure how long he will last but i will certanily let him try :)

Thats not the point of this thread though is it? I'm all for equal rights and if the woman is happy to go back to work then fair enough but sorry to be denied that when you WANT to stay at home for valid reasons is just preposterous.
sophie27 said:
:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:

hhhmmm budge so what wrong with a woman going out and doing that???

nothing at all if thats what she wants to do. but in this case mrs h doesn't and her hubby should be kneed in the groin for even arguing with her.
sophie27 said:
well thats me put in my place i'll shut up now

LOL Don't be daft we were just having an exchange of opinions, no offence meant just stating my feelings. :hug:
sophie27 said:
well thats me put in my place i'll shut up now

sophie do you want to borrow my tuna fish to slap miracle babe round the face with :rotfl: :rotfl:

we could all have a fish fight over this! :D
budge said:
sophie27 said:
well thats me put in my place i'll shut up now

sophie do you want to borrow my tuna fish to slap miracle babe round the face with :rotfl: :rotfl:

we could all have a fish fight over this! :D

Oy I've had one good fish slapping today already :rotfl:
:rotfl: :rotfl:

No its ok i guess iam just a moody cow :hug:

everyone is entitled to their say :D

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